I Won't Give Up

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     Ever since  that event Shen Wei never visited Yunlan. Even when he was discharged. Yunlan's friends though he have given up. While Shen Wei's father was quiet happy for Ziyi has a chance to be his daughter in-law.

     They didn't know Shen Wei is been stalking Yunlan to anywhere he gone to. And his been the one ordering chicken from him ever since he open his store again.
Yunlan was a little bit puzzle why the one whose ordering the chicken have a mask on his face and a hooded jacket in this sunny day. And he will always give a tip to Yunlan while caressing his hand. But Yunlan can't stop smiling as his customer has a beautiful eyes like someone he knew. And didn't notice he always expecting his call to his store to order chicken.

     Later that night, as he can't sleep he suddenly open his drawer, their laid his ring which Shen Wei gave. He suddenly miss him but can't help to be frighten on what he have done to him. If only his angel never change. What if they run away together when they were a kid. Maybe they will have a hard life but still they will have each other. And his angel will never change?

     Yunlan never knew Shen Wei is living near they're neighborhood. Always using his telescope to see what Yunlan's doing. While Shen Wei is spying on Yunlan. His phone suddenly ring. His  father is calling him on the cellphone and want to invite him to eat dinner with Ziyi.

    "Sorry Dad I've already ate a lot of chicken and I'm quiet busy in my work!" As he close his phone. Making him smirk. "Yes I ordered a lot of chicken today! Maybe Guo would like one or Chu?"

     The next day as Yunlan left his store to Da quing. He went to the house of his regular mysterious customer who ordered another bunch of chicken. As the customer paid the chicken with a tip. Yunlan suddenly ask. "Why are you always wear a mask? Are you sick or something?" He ask. "No! I mean I bit shy in seeing people." As he lied to him.

      When Yunlan about to leave. "Wait! Can I invite you to a dinner! If your free tonight. Since I'm bit new here and lonely, just a friendly date!" He said. Yunlan suddenly smile, "Why not! I will be off about 7:00 pm! I can be here about fifteen minutes!" As he bid  his customer farewell for they have a date tonight.

     Shen Wei was overjoyed and a little jealous on himself. "That Yunlan he have forgotten about me and have.....oh! How foolish of me!" As he laugh. "I'm his date!" As he continue to jump.

     That night, Da quing is a little bit worried and surprised. "Is Yunlan over with Shen Wei and have a date with a mysterious guy?! And his regular customer?" Da quing arch his brow. When Yunlan went downstairs making Da quing look at him.

      "So how did I look?!" As he wearing a black and red shirt, black pants and white shoes. And his hair is combed neatly. "Are you sure about this Yunlan? We didn't know him very well? What if his a killer or a drug user or something." As Da quing got worried. "Then maybe I should use my high kick on him!" As he laugh. "But you never use it against Shen Wei?" Da quing said.
"My Shen Wei is different! I won't use that to him?!" As he blurted out to Da quing. "So you still love him eventhough he done that horrible thing to you?!" Da quing ask furiously.

     Yunlan suddenly ignore his words and wave his hand to Da quing and ride his motor bike toward the house of his mysterious customer.

     When he came there, he knock on the door. Shen Wei covered his nose and mouth again and put on his hooded jacket as he open the door and lead Yunlan on the dinning room. "Your room is a little bit small?" Yunlan said. "Yes! Since I don't have anyone just me, so I don't needs big house. He said. "Oh! Yes! Where's my manners, "My name is Zhao Yunlan! How about you?!" He ask. As Shen Wei think quickly, "Zhu Yi Long! But you can call me Longge!" Shen Wei said. As he extend his hand on him, Yunlan accept it.

     While Shen Wei preparing the food as Yunlan scanning the room. Yunlan suddenly look at him while his preparing every thing. Suddenly he remembered Shen Wei as the way he prepared the food, the way he walk even he talk. "Maybe I'm getting crazy in missing him a lot!" As he laugh at him self making Shen Wei look at him at puzzle.

     "Oh! Don't mind me! I just remembered someone!" Yunlan said. "Who?" He ask. "A once special friend!" He said. Shen Wei almost drop the plate hearing it. "A special friend?! Am I just a special friend?!" He internally said. "Oh! Really? Is he handsome?" He ask. "No! More than he have a beautiful face like an angel!" Said Yunlan. If only Yunlan see Shen Wei is blushing hearing that from him. "What happened?!" He accidentally ask.

     Yunlan just smile, "He change! His not my angel anymore!" As he took a sit at the dinning table. Shen Wei was intrigued, "What?! Why?!" He ask again. Yunlan arch his brow, "People change and my angel change his not the one I use to love! He became possessive and selfish!" He said. Shen Wei almost lost his balance.

     "What if he have a reason!" He suddenly shout as he forgot. Yunlan suddenly look at him. "I mean maybe he have a reason?" As he lower his voice and sit at the opposite side of Yunlan. Suddenly Yunlan hold his hand that startled Shen Wei as he look at Yunlan cute brown eyes. "Funny! The more I talk to you, the more I feel your just like him?" He suddenly said. As Shen Wei took his hand back and laugh differently to make Yunlan confuse.
"Or not?!" Yunlan said.

      "You make me laugh! I don't know your special friend!" As he hit Yunlan on the shoulder. "Its like you still love your special friend!" Shen Wei accidentally said. Yunlan suddenly blurted out, "Yes. I still." As Yunlan sadly look down. Shen Wei's heart suddenly flipped. "Did he said yes?!"

      Suddenly Yunlan laugh, "Just don't tell it to Da quing, he will be really mad!" As Shen Wei nod to him. While they chat some more while eating.

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