The Present

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      While Da quing and the others following Shen Wei. Yunlan on the other hand. Trying to get his wrist off the cuff while eating the food that Shen Wei prepared.

       "Why is Da quing not calling me on what happened?!" As he chew on the chicken. While Shen Wei talking to Chu. "So I guess you successfully killed him!" He said. "That's the problem someone beat me to it!" Said Shen Wei. "What?! Do you mean you didn't kill Yunlan's father?!" Chu accidentally shout.

     Da quing and his friends are seated behind Shen Wei. Because of what they heard Da quing accidentally stand up and said, "Then who killed Yunlan's father?! Ooops!" As  he laugh while Shen Wei and Chu was shocked seeing Da quing, Sang and Lin Jing. "Did Yunlan sent you here to spy on me?!" He shout.

      Meanwhile while Yunlan was struggling to his cuff, Zhu Hong came. "Yunlan!" She suddenly hugged and kissed him. Making Yunlan jolt in surprised. " did you! And what's that kiss?" As he tried to distance his space to her.

     "I came here to free you!" She said while uncuffing Yunlan with her spear key. "And what's your get up?! You have a hooded jacket and a cap?!" He ask.

      As Zhu Hong release Yunlan from the hand cuff she eagerly hugged him again." Let's run away! Yunlan! From Shen Wei!" She said.
He suddenly shoved her are you mad! I'm engaged with Shen Wei! He said.

      As she suddenly hugged him again. Shen Wei came with the others. "What's the meaning of this?!" Shen Wei angrily said. "Yunlan and I love one another and we're gonna run away from you!" Said Zhu Hong. Yunlan want to pop his eyes, while the others was shocked.

     "Yunlan is this true?!" Shen Wei shout. Yunlan was speechless. "Then maybe it's time for us to break up!" Said Shen Wei. "Wait Shen Wei! It's not true!" He shout back. But suddenly Zhu Hong took a gun from her pocket and ready to shot Shen Wei. "No!!! Yunlan shout. As Shen Wei saw Zhu Hong has a gun, he also took his gun inside his pocket as well and shoot.


     But unfortunately  the one he shoot is Yunlan. Suddenly all freeze as Yunlan been shot and fall off at the veranda. "Yunlan!" Shout Shen Wei. While Sang and Lin Jing caught Zhu Hong whose gonna shoot Shen Wei. As both of them tackle her to the ground and take the gun.

      Shen Wei run outside, tailing him Da quing whose calling a police and ambulance. "Yunlan! Yunlan!" As Shen Wei shout and apologizing to him. While he cradling Yunlan whose trying to tell him something  and reaching for his face as he block out.

      An hour pass, as Yunlan been taken to the hospital with Shen Wei and the others. While Zhu Hong was taken by the police as she is now the suspect who killed Xin ci.

      As all of them was stop by the doctor and nurse who went to the ER room. Shen Wei can't stop crying while Da quing comforting him. Lin Jing phasing here and there for he is nervous for his friend. While Sang called his wife Wang to tell her what happened. She cried on the phone as she told him she  will come to the hospital quickly as possible. Leaving thier daughter to the care of her mother and grandmother.

     While Yunlan was sleeping. He dream when he was in highschool with the love of his life his sweet shy Shen Wei. They were running around the beach as Yunlan caught Shen Wei he suddenly change. His sweet angel suddenly became mad and suddenly chained him. "Whatta is this?! Shen Wei let me go!!!" He shout. Shen Wei suddenly laugh, as he hold the key. "Yunlan! Your mine! I won't let you go! Your mine!" As he laugh loudly. Making him kneeled to the ground as he saw his bleeding. " me!!!! I've been loyal to you ever since?! Why?!" As he fall on the floor.

     Yunlan suddenly wake up with an oxygen, a dextrose and a cardiac monitoring device attached to his body. He suddenly wanted to call someone.  Da quing came running toward him from the bathroom and called the others. The doctor and the nurse came. As they check up Yunlan. "His fine!" Said the doctor. And took off the oxygen and the cardiac monitoring.

     As they all happily hugged Yunlan! "Congratulation on your second life Yunlan!" Lin Jing pat his shoulder. Suddenly as Shen Wei who came from the police station as he gave a statement that Zhu  Hong was about to shoot him. That's why he shoot his gun as well but it hit Yunlan instead. As he saw Yunlan woke up. He ran toward him with a smile on his face.

     But as he got near, "Yunlan suddenly shout and cover himself with a blanket. "Shen Wei stay away from me!" He scream to him. Shen Wei was shocked as well the others. The doctor suddenly pulled Shen Wei away from Yunlan whose crying loudly.

     "Sir! I think he have a trauma from you. I heard you accidentally shot him. Is it wise you shouldn't visit him for a while." Said the doctor. "No! Are you kidding me! I'm his fiance! I won't leave Yunlan!" As he went back to Yunlan's room. Yunlan suddenly shout again when he see him. And was about to jump off the bed. When Shen Wei caught him. Yunlan cried loudly in his arms and struggle from his hold.

      "Yunlan! It's me your fiance! Shen Wei! As he embrace him tightly. Yunlan scream suddenly stop as he faint. Da quing and the others pulled Shen Wei from him. As the doctor and nurse check him again. Da quing was pretty mad as he pulled Shen Wei away from Yunlan. "From now on stay away from my friend!" He shout. But Shen Wei grip his wrist. "Don't you dare take away what is mine!" He shout back. "You always think about  yourself! What about the one you love?! How does he feel! Your always making his life miserable! You and your father!" As Da quing shout louder than him. And he left Shen Wei stunned on what he say.

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