Letters and Promises

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Then that night when you walked through the door, everything stopped. It was just you and me. When I saw you, I was whole again. My missing pieces all came back and everything was right. Sparks were everywhere when we hugged. I missed you so much. You can't even imagine how broken I was, El. 

El let a few tears leak.

Now, El this isn't to make you feel bad. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Okay? You did nothing wrong. 

Then you had to go close the gate. My heart dropped into my stomach. I got scared. Really scared. I couldn't lose you again. I could barely live without you the first time. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't come back the second time.

Then the Snowball came. El, you looked so beautiful. I could barely speak. When I kissed you for the second time, I swear fireworks went off. I know I sound cheesy.

El laughs and sobs at the same time.

When we became an official couple, I had never been happier. I had a smile on my face for the whole day. My mom was concerned for me because I don't smile that much apparently. 

Now, summer of '85. El, I am so sorry that I lied. I-I didn't mean to hurt you or treat you like garbage. I was just scared. Scared that Hopper would stop me from seeing you. But I shouldn't have lied. I know I already apologized but you know blank makes you crazy. 

El laughs at the remembrance of that night in the store.

And I was telling the truth when I said that you were the most important thing to me in the world. In fact, you still are. I never want anything to happen to you ever again. When you got hurt during the sauna test I got so mad. Mad at myself for not saving you sooner and just standing there while it happened. Thanks for saving me though. I  didn't know what to do when you fell into me so I just wrapped my arms around you.

In the hospital the next day, the smile you gave me was the most beautiful thing ever. I wish I had a camera. And thanks for not ignoring me.

The monster grabbed your leg and dragged you across the floor. I ran faster than I ever have and grabbed your arms. I was terrified of losing you. I'm sorry I just ripped the monster off though. I just couldn't stand that thing hurting you.

In the store, what I was trying to say was that I love you. But being the awkward self I am, couldn't think of the right words.

El laughs and wipes at her eyes.

El, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. I love how your brown hair curls in a frizzy way. I like the feel of it between my fingers. Your eyes. Oh my God, your eyes. They're a perfect shade of brown that holds so much warmth even after everything you've been through. You're just beautiful Eleven Hopper. And you better believe you are too.

 You are brave, kind, caring, loving, courageous, beautiful, joyful, and so much more. There isn't enough adjectives out there to describe you. I don't know how such a wonderful person came to like me. After everything you went through, you are still so positive! Your positivity is what keeps me going. You keep me going, El.

When you told me you loved me for the first time, I was frozen in shock. How in the world does El Hopper love me, Mike Wheeler? You deserve so much more than me. I don't deserve you, but I'm never letting you go. Not ever again. 

I know I can be protective and clingy but that's because my worst fear is losing you or something happening to you. You mean so much to me.

When we were twelve, Lucas teased me for the way I talked to you. He said, "You talk to her like this: Oh, Oh, El! I'm Mike! Oh, I love you so much!" I denied it. Then he said, "Why don't you just marry her?" And I made a face at him.

El smiled.

But now it's true. And when we're older, I do want to marry you. If I could have any wish granted it would be to grow old with you. 

I promise to always take care of you. I promise to always be there for you. I promise to love you. I promise that one day I will marry you, if that's okay with you of course. So if you want the same thing as me, find me by my locker after seventh period.

I love you, so much. 

Love, Mike. 

She finishes the letter and folds it back up, slipping it into her pocket of her black designed romper she had gotten with Max last summer. El starts walking to the other side of the building to find Mike by his locker.


Mike leans against his locker while he waits for El. He's looking at the ground as he hears his name being choked out of someone's mouth. He barely has time to look up before El flies into his arms and clings to him. She's crying, he notices. Her arms are around his neck so he wraps his around her waist, pulling her closer so there's no space between them. El buries her face in the crook of his neck and he rubs her back up and down. 

Mike lays his head on her shoulder and hugs her tight. He stops rubbing her back and wraps that arm around her waist and rocks them slowly side to side, a habit of when they hug. 

He hears El sniffle and then she pulls away, arms still around him. Mike looks into El's red eyes from crying. She has a hint of a smile played across her face. She moves one of her arms from around his neck and places her hand on his cheek. El caresses his cheekbone with her thumb and Mike just looks at her with a small smile. 

"Don't ever say I don't deserve you." She says quietly and stares him in the eyes. "We deserve each other." 

"Okay." Mike says with a nod. 

"And I do want the same thing as you." El says, a blush creeping up her neck and onto her cheeks. "I want to be with you forever." 

"Okay, I have something for you." Mike pulls a small black box out of his pocket and opens it, revealing a simple- knowing El likes her things simple- silver ring with the words, Promise? Promise. carved into it. "It's a promise ring. A promise that someday, I will marry you."

"Promise." El whispers, tears pooling in her eyes. 

"Do you accept?" Mike asks her and she nods rapidly.

"Did you think I would say no?" She says jokingly as he slides the ring onto her ring finger. 

"Maybe." Mike smiles and pulls her close. 

El smiles and leans her head forward. "I can never say no to you, Mike." She tilts her head up, silently asking him to kiss her. He obliges and presses his lips softly to hers. El presses her lips more onto his, deepening the kiss. 

She pulls away and rests her forehead against his before she whispers, "I love you, so, so much. Words can't even explain." 

"Ditto." Mike whispers  back.

The end.

 This was so cute! I'm fangirling over my own work. 

And, no. I still don't remember what I was gonna write last night.

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