Chapter 12

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After about another week after the thing Kyle did that scared me we have been getting around. I think we have become more friendly. But what did not make since was he has been going out a lot during the day on days off and on. Also I turned down William on the day where I was his assistant. He wanted to have sex with me and I turned down the offer. It was not a mistake. I also think I am starting to grow feelings for Kyle. It's crazy but I am. But if he finds out he wins. And I am always so tempted to touch him or kiss him. But I cant due to the competition.

I was sitting on the sofa doing some of the work given from Kyle. I was startled from the sudden wring from his phone.

Weird he always gets calls from his work phone not cell.

I see him pick up the phone and pressed "answer".

"Hey baby. Yea we are still on for tonight. Yes. Yes. Aren't you supposed to be in work. Oh you are. Well you could come to my office if you'd like. Mhm ok see you then." He hangs up the phone.

I had the sudden urge to ask who that was.

It was probably another girl he picked up. Oh so him.

I giggle to myself because of how I think of Kyle.

"Why are you giggling?"  I here him ask.

"No reason. Who was that on the phone?" I ask scanning the paper.

"My girlfriend. She is coming over. In about an hour." He says.

My heart shattered into pieces. A girl friend? I thought he just slept around not actually date.  I wanted to cry. And wow at the time I started liking him. Why?

"Melody are you.." I interrupted him.

"Excuse me." I set down the papers and left his office. Then I started crying. People were looking at me. But I did not care because I was so sad. After everything that had happened I thought we started liking eachother.

I go into the bathroom and keep crying. I can't stop.

"Excuse me are you ok?" I hear someone ask. I look in the mirror and look at the reflection of the person.

I noticed it was Williams assistant. She always seemed nice to everyone. "I'm fine thank you. Actually I'm not. But I don't think you would want to know." I say looking down at the sink.

"I have time." She says.

"Um ok." I say. We sat down on the chairs that were in the bathroom. "Um well I've just started liking this guy then I found he has a girlfriend. He always slept around. And I never expected him to do dating. We had gotten really close too. We always would fight a lot." I laughed at the last part I said.

"Who is he." She asked.

I did not want to tell her it was her bosses brother since I said he slept around. So I lied.

"I don't think you would know him." I said.

"Oh well. That is ok. I can't really help with that because I am not to good with that type of stuff. " she laughed"well I should get going. Nice to here about your worries." She got up and left the room.

She's nice.

I stayed in the bathroom for a couple more minutes. Before getting up and returning. I went towards  Kyles office. I look threw the window. And see Williams assistant.

Why is she here.

I then see her kiss Kyle.

Omg. It was her. That is his girlfriend!

I start crying again and run out the building.

I can't stand seeing that.

I start heading home. About 20 minutes later I reach the apartment. I go in there and fall asleep on the couch.

I hear the door open.

"Hey Melody. Whoa were you crying?" He asked and I suddenly noticed that my eyes were puffy and probably red. I cryed so much.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask changing the question.

"Tell you what?"He asked.

"That you had girlfriend!" I started screaming.

"I did not think you would care Melody. I also thought you would just say some pretty mean shit like. Your probably going to break up in like to days." He says.

"Kyle we had gotten close. Why would you think that? I cryed so fucking much Kyle."

"You also fucking left work!" Now he was screaming.

"Because I could not stand seeing you and that girl having love. I can't do this. I know she is better then me. I should had never let myself be an assistant for William for the day!" I started crying again.

"Well you Guys probably we're having tons of fun touching and making love.!"

"How could you say that. Your such an ass hole. Also I didn't because of you Kyle!!" I said screaming as loud as I could.

"Melody are you jealous?" He asked his voice lowering.

"Yes I am jealous. God damn it Kyle I have feelings for you! I guess I lose. I lose hard."

"I guess you do lose." He says.

"I'm sorry Kyle but I am done working with you. I just can't stand seeing you with her. I will leave the apartment as soon as possible." I say turning around and walking back to my room. With Kyle not even trying to stop me.

Whoa who knew this was coming. Well let's see what happens. 😋

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