Chapter 2

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I woke up at 6 because that's the time my boss wanted me to get up.

The sun was shining threw the big window that looked out to the city. I got out of bed and grabbed my neatly hanged work attire. I then went in the bathroom to take a shower. 15 minutes later I get out and got ready for work.

I go into the kitchen to find something for breakfast and noticed Mr Lamber sitting at the bar.

"Good morning," I said getting his attention. He looked at me. I had notice that his hair was combed down. But still wavy. He still looked hot as ever.

Stop it Melody!

"Good morning, Melody," He said.

I couldn't help but laugh because his mouth was full of food.

He laughed back. " come join for breakfast," he told me.

I could not help but to take his offer. He was my boss after all.

I wonder if he found out that I am his assistant.

I grab a bowl of cereal and sit next to Mr Lamber. I then hear my phone go off for the timer to leave and go to work.

"Have to go to work now,"  I said standing up and grabbing the little hand bag I was going to use.   I walk to the door ready to open it intell I herd Mr Lamber.

" have a good day, Melody," I could not help but blush because when he said my name it had a deep accent that I would die to hear every second.

Down girl! 

I opened my door and left the apartment. The building was not to far from my apartment. It was maybe a 10 minute walk.

Wouldn't Mr Lamber be working or waiting for me at the building. Instead he is at the apartment. Weird.

About 6 minutes later I arrived at the building. Apparently the building is called the Lamber corporation.

I opened the door to the big building and told the front desk that I am the assistant of Mr Lamber.

She let me threw after a long argument about if I was actually his assistant. She told me where his office was. Just in case I nocked on the door to see if he was here. I herd a reply.

"Come in," I herd him call threw the walls.

I thought he was still at the apartment. I guess maybe this is not who I think it is.

I opened the door to see if this was the same person I thought it was.

How is your reading so far. Tell me what you think happens next!!

My Boss with benefitsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ