"What was his excuse?"

"He said I was pathetic and it makes me wonder how I'd deal with things on the outside."

"I think what you need to remover is a woman should change for no one and if he doesn't like you the way you are, then he doesn't deserve you."

"Yeah thank you." She pulled me into a hug. "I'm going to speak to him today and hopefully we can have a conversation without it turning into a screaming match."


Tommy and I were having a cuddle on the daybed later on, just watching as everyone went about their business.

"Would you have walked if I was sent home?" I asked him.

"Of course. I mean I'm having a great time in here but I wouldn't be if you wasn't here."

"Do you agree with Michael not leaving?"

"He shouldn't have said he's found what he's looking for and then didn't leave because that's giving out mixed signals. I don't really know what's going on in his head."

"Do you think he still had feelings for Amber?"

"I'd love to say no to just close the book off but I really don't know. I think he's stubborn though and won't want to go back on his word."

"I really didn't think Amber was going to tell him that she still has feelings for him last night."

"Yeah I think he was shocked as well." Tommy said. "But I mean it's probably been lost in his head with everything's That's happened since then."

"Yeah Exactly."

"He needs to speak to her though and clear things up because otherwise we're never going to get anywhere in here."

"I'd leave for you too." I told him. "Just in case you was wondering."

"I mean I was hoping so."


That night I got changed into my burgundy lacy camisole and then some stripy shorts.

As I was finished and waiting for the girls to get ready I joined in the conversation

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As I was finished and waiting for the girls to get ready I joined in the conversation.

"He needs to make a decision or else he's going to lose both of you." Belle told Maura.

"Yeah it's his decision at the end of the day but I'm not going to wait around for much longer."

We moved outside and I stayed with Maura and Molly.

"I'm going to need to speak to Curtis and ask for a decision because I'm not waiting any longer." Maura said.


"He shouldn't need this long."

"He needs to cut out trying to please both of you because that's what he's trying to do." I told her. "He's known you for longe enough now to know whether he can see anything happening there or not."

"I'm done waiting. If he can't make a decision then I'm going to leave him. I can't wait any longer."


Curtis chose Maura which was a bit awkward as they shared a kiss and then he had to go and tell Fran. I could tell she was taking the higher ground though and just let them get on with it. I think I'm a way she probably knew it was coming.

I was led on the daybed with Maura, Tommy and Curtis when Michael came past.

"Amber sit down please."


"Sit down."

"Did she just let him talk to her like that?" Maura asked. "Sit down!"

"He said it with a smile on his face, I don't think he meant it like that." Curtis countered.

"No I don't think he did. That was really rude."

We watched as they had their conversation and then Amber walked off.

"That was so weird. I need a moment to just process what happened. "

We joined her around the fire pit after giving her a moment to calm down.

"What happened?" Molly asked.

"So He comes to us and he says sit down, like that."

"Sit down, don't tell me to sit down." Maura said.

"Like it was me who brought someone back from Casa Amor, which it wasn't. It's really starting to upset us and wear us down because all I wanted to be was friends and I was happy to be friends with him."

"That was disrespectful."

"I just need to keep being myself and not let people like that affect me.

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter.

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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