Chapter 11: Deal

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We returned to the castle, I was panting by running to Asriel's room.

I saw him in a horrible state. He was breathing hardly, very hardly, and he was sweating...

Toriel was near him, holding his hand

I started crying...he opened his eyes and saw me

Asriel: C-Chara...

Chara: A-A-Azz-Azzy...

I exploded and cried more, screaming by my sadness and my anger towards myself

Asriel: T-This is not *cough* your fault...

Chara: YES IT IS!

Asriel stared at me...

He looked at Toriel

Asriel: Hey mom, can you leave us alone, please...?

She left the room, an empty look in her eyes...

I grabbed his hand, holding it with strenght.

Chara: Azzy...about before...

Asriel: ...I understand Chara...everyone have their feelings...


I remembered all the beautiful moments we shared...all the smiles...and it was all about to disappear!

Chara: ...Asriel, I love you too. I realized it now.

He weakly smiled, and a tear fell down by his cheek...

Asriel: I'm so happy!

I approached his face and kissed him on the lips

Asriel: Y-You kiss very well...

We shared another kiss, but then...something happened. I didn't feel anything touching my lips, like he just disappeared. I opened my eyes and...he was dust. Only his clothes were there.

I screamed, Frisk entered the room, she saw what just happened and took me out of there by strenght, I didn't want to leave his room, and I was still screaming.

Sans understood the situation, and sadly told Asgore and Toriel the bad news

Frisk brought me in my room, telling me to calm down, telling me that everything would go well...I knew she was lying.

I think that I fainted, by all the pain I was proving...all I remember next is that Frisk was near me...I hugged her for some comfort...she hugged me back...

The next day I went in the royal prison, Gaster was there, and he couldn't even teleport.

Chara: Well well well, what do we have here? Oh, I know...a fucking murderer.

Gaster: What a bad language you use princess Chara. This isn't good for a princess.

Chara: I'm not a princess.

Gaster: Oh yes you are. Asgore told me that if Asriel would die you would become the only one to become queen.


Oh damn it, I'm not here for this.

Chara: I know you can revive him. I can't believe I'm saying this but you're the most clever here.

Gaster: Well thank you princess.

Chara: Let's make a deal. You will revive Asriel, and I will make you a favor.

Gaster: Deal.

Chara: So, what favor do you want me to do?

Gaster: Well...there's this machine I've been testing for a long time...a machine which can bring you in a different timeline.

Chara: So?

Gaster: I want you to kill everybody you find in 20 timelines


Chara: But...that would mean...increasing my LV!

Gaster: What you wouldn't do for love?

Chara: Wait a minute...why should I believe you?! You just killed Asriel and I don't know why, and now you're okay by bringing him back to life?

Gaster: Because I'm testing you. I wanted to test you since the beginning.

Chara: Hmm...okay...but, just for making sure you won't betray me, you'll be the first to do your part. C'mon, bring back Asriel.

Gaster: I can't. You'll bring him back by going in other timelines.

Chara: ...okay. But, I want to do something. I want to visit a past timeline, when Asriel and I were friends, without killing anybody amd then go to another timeline.

Gaster: Okay. You'll find the machine in my true lab. It is all in your hands princess. Good luck

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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My flower queen~ Chara x Asriel fanfic (and a bit of Frans) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now