141 8 3

Judge: FoundMyMuchness

1. Lost |kth by ZaraCrimson315

2. Story of us by ParamiSalgado

3. Elevn's hope: Rue|The Hunger Games by HillbillieNolan

4. Divorced love by silvyline86

5. Tale of Two Worlds: Lancer's False war by Lady_Rhey

6. Dumbeldore's daughter by eblives68

7. The undercover princess of Joseon by Ninjagirl2005

8. Vaspera: Finding freedom by Aethereal_Psyche

9. Shadow hunters by IvashkovLightwood

10. Wrong Number... Actually Not! by Romz_larryaf

If you don't see your name here in 48 hours please PM us!!!

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