Information for Judges

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Being a judge doesn't mean you will get nothing. By agreeing to be a judge you will get a follow from this account and both the hosts. If you have books the hosts along with this account will add them to a reading list and vote for the first ten chapters of one book. (If you have more than one book pm us the book you want us to vote on)

Information for judges.

1. You will be judging books fairly and within a given time span.

2. The contest will have three rounds only then after the first,second,third and hidden gem winner will be chosen from each genre.

3. If you come across a book with horrendous spelling and grammar please dismiss the book immediately and notify the hosts via pm of this account.

4. If a participant tries to bribe you notify the hosts ( please let's be fair humans 😣)

5. If you are a JUDGE and are entering your book into this contest you cannot submit your book in the same genre you are judging.

6. If you need more time to decide on a winner please notify us via pm of this account and we will give you atleast one week to come up with a winner.

7. Please pretty please do not agree to do this if you are going to leave us midway because then the hosts will have to judge. 😓

Judging Criteria for Novels.

Judges are required to judge the book by it's blurb and first chapter. Please note that a prologue with more than a thousand words is considered a chapter.

                       ROUND 1






Spelling and grammar:-/15


Feedback of results to hosts.

After round one, SIX books from each category will be chosen to go into round two.

                       ROUND 2

You are required to read the second and third chapter of the book.


Writing style:-/10



Creativity and originality:-/10


Feedback of results to hosts.

You will be choosing FOUR books to go into round 3.

                       ROUND 3

In this round you will be reading chapter 4,5 and 6 of the books you are judging.


Originality and creativity:-/10

Writing style and tone:-/10

Ability to captivate reader:-/10

Spelling and grammar:-/15


Feed back of results to hosts.

Important note please read:

After the three rounds judges are required to choose one winner, runner up, third place and a hidden gem winner. Please choose wisely and fairly.

When you have chosen your winners email or pm your choices and reasons for choosing them.

Email address is: (

Emails and pms should include:

First place Winner/Username/Book title/ Reasons they won.

Second place / Username/ Book title/Reason.

Third place/ Username/ Book title/Reason.

Hidden Gem/ Username/ Book title/ What makes this book a hidden gem?

So that's it for judging information and criteria folks. So my question is.... Do you have what it takes to be the judge of the realms most challenging competition? If you do then fill out the judges form in the next chapter 💜💜💜

 Do you have what it takes to be the judge of the realms most challenging competition? If you do then fill out the judges form in the next chapter 💜💜💜

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