Judging criteria for Poetry and Short stories

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Criteria for Judging Poetry.

1. Choice of words and readability.
As a judge ask yourself if the poet has used the best possible choice of words in the poem. The choice of words the writer uses should be geared towards the audience the poet intends to reach.

2. Overall impact.
What makes a good poem is it's ability to stick with you after reading it. If you can read a the poem and then forget about it the poem did not have a great overall impact on you.

3. Originality.
Are the word groupings and phrases the writer uses their own or are they borrowed from someone else? Extra points should be given to a poet who creates his own style in the rhythm of the poem.

4. Message and interest.
Message and interest are at the heart of the poem reason being it gives legitimacy. Is the poem only of interest to the writer or does it have something that others can relate too as well.

Note that this will also have three rounds but the judging criteria will remain the same for all three rounds. After round 1, SIX poems will be chosen to go into round 2 and then after round two FOUR poems will be chosen to go into round 3.
After all the three rounds you should be able to choose a winner, runner up, third place winner and a hidden gem winner.

Round 1/2/3

Choice of words and readability:-/10

Overall impact:-/10

Originality:-/ 15

Message and interest:-/15

Criteria for Judging short stories.

1. Characterization
Does the author create believable and memorable characters.

2. Plot
Has the author created a clear,convincing and compelling storyline with a recognizable arc of conflict, crisis and resolution? Are obstacles to be overcome sufficiently challenging the protagonist? Do you feel tension mounting in the story?
Is the resolution innovative, credible and authentic.

3. Theme
Does the story contain a central dominating theme? Does the author make this idea concrete thought the characters and their actions. How well is the message integrated into the story? Is the story an agenda driven platform.

4. Spelling and grammar.
Does the story have impeccable grammar and spelling.

Note that this will also have three rounds but the judging criteria will remain the same for all three rounds. After round 1, SIX short stories will be chosen to go into round 2 and then after round two FOUR short stories will be chosen to go into round 3. After all the three rounds you should be able to choose a winner, runner up, third place winner and a hidden gem winner.

Round 1/2/3




Spelling and grammar:-/15

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