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THE ICE QUEEN brings to you the form of entry for whom who wish to gain entrance to the realm of Purple Ice

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

THE ICE QUEEN brings to you the form of entry for whom who wish to gain entrance to the realm of Purple Ice. (Thee Alien has taught me her theatrical ways!)

Please note that LGBTQ+ and Mature books are allowed earthlings.

Also please inline comments in the category you are entering. I will not read your comments if it is not inline with the category. This might seem harsh but this is to make sure everybody follows the rules. Once accepted please add the hashtag #thepurpleiceawards2019 to your book so it's easily located!!!

Now to the form!

Book Title:
Chapters: (Must be 6 or More published chapters excluding author's notes. If you want prologue to be judged as first chapter then please indicate this in form. Short story and poems can ignore this.)
Status: (ongoing/completed)
Rules followed?:
Tags: (At least 5 people you think would want to enter)

*Clause: All books entered should have under 5k reads. Remember this is to get writers recognised. Books with 5k and over are already recognized!

*Please Note:  All vampire, warewolves and other novels with mythical creatures will go under fantasy!


~Romance [10/10] (CLOSED!!!)

~Teen Fiction [10/10] (CLOSED!!!)

~Fantasy [10/10] (CLOSED!!!)

~Fan fiction [10/10] (CLOSED!!!)

~Poetry [10/10] (CLOSED!!!)

~Short story [10/10] (CLOSED)

~Action/Mystery/Adventure [10/10] (CLOSED)

~Horror/Thriller [8/10] (CLOSED)

Once accepted then only you may add the hashtag #thepurpleiceawards2019 and you may add the participant sticker. If you are unable to add the sticker onto your cover then please PM this account and we will do it for you! It is advised that you put the participant sticker onto your cover so judges can find you!

 If you are unable to add the sticker onto your cover then please PM this account and we will do it for you! It is advised that you put the participant sticker onto your cover so judges can find you!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

May the odds be ever in your favor! Sending you love from across the galaxy!!!

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