Chapter 78: Downfall

Start from the beginning

She gave a small nod. "Get on."

"Get on wha...."

My raspy voice faltered when I watched in bewilderment as Mikasa herself transformed into a wolf and crouching down so that I can climb her back.

She helped me up by nudging me gently. At this point, I couldn't act like I was freaked out. When I glanced at the snow, I realized just how much blood I had already lost. The red liquid was dropping on the white snow at an alarming pace. I could see the shredded clothing on my arm, heavily stained with blood.

Multiple deep puncture wounds were visible where Levi snapped down his jaws, and the torn skin and flesh when he thrashed his head around. After seeing the extent of the damage, there was a gut-punching feeling that rose in me. Fear.

Fear of death.

My head felt light and my eyesight was fuzzy and blurry. Even so, I used the last bit of my strength to grip on Mikasa's soft fur, praying I wouldn't topple and fall.

Everything was a blur to me. I only remember hearing screams of panic before I lost fully lost consciousness.

Am I... going to die?


Pain. That was the only thing I could feel when I woke up, staring at the wooden ceiling. My arm and foot were heavily covered in bandages, with a hint of red seeping through.

I'm... alive?

There was a burning feeling of pain where the worst wounds are. My face scrunched in pain when I tried to move my arm, sweat dripping down my forehead.

It hurts. It hurts so much.

My breathing got quicker and lighter from the amount of pain that was scorching through my body, leaving me weak and limp. Tears filled my eyes as another spasm of pain hit me, a soundless moan of pain escaping from my mouth.

The burning pain was overwhelming, up to a point where I could see black spots in my vision. All of a sudden, I felt so tired. I could barely keep my eyes from closing. Sleep was calling out to me, and I didn't have any power to fight it any longer.

I woke up again, and this time, bright light was shining through the windows. I lay there unmoving for a while, confused and lost.

What will happen now?

Levi is a werewolf. Mikasa is a werewolf. Erwin is probably a werewolf as well. What will happen to us now?

The pain wasn't as bad it was a few hours ago. I rose from my bed and started limping outside, curious as to what everyone was doing. Everyone was gathered together in the main room, with Petra quietly tending to Erwin's wounds.

Everyone's attention slowly turned to me as I entered the room. Petra looked up at me with a frown. "(Y/N), you're not supposed to be walking around."

I shook my head. "I'll be fine."

My eyes gazed over every person, noticing how uncomfortable Hanji, Erwin, Levi and Mikasa were.

Everyone was absolutely silent, until Erwin finally spoke up. "Everything is real. We are werewolves."

Petra who was beside Erwin flinched, and stopped what she was doing. Eren glanced at Mikasa quietly, while Armin seemed shocked out of his mind.

Hanji murmured quietly. "There are more werewolves in our school than just... them."

"Them..?" I repeated.

Hanji gave a weak smile. "I'm not a werewolf."

I gave a questioning glance at Erwin, who nodded in response. "Hanji's human, but she's known our secret from long ago."

The room fell into silence. I slowly sat down on the floor, feeling the exhaustion and pain catching up to me. My foot tinged in pain in the process, making me wince.

"(Y/N)," Petra said worriedly, rushing over to my side. "Let's go back to bed. C'mon, I'll help you."

I gently pushed her away, shaking my head again. "No, stop Petra."

"You're hurt (Y/N)," she said sternly. "It's better if you rest. It'll make you feel a lot better."

I hesitated but shook my head again. "No. You know what would make me feel better? If you can go to my bag, open up the back pocket and bring out whatever you find in there."

Petra looked at me in confusion. "Please. Just do it."

The strawberry-blonde warily walked into the bedroom to find my bag. Everyone was looking at me with confusion and curiosity. Armin stared at me nervously. "What is... Petra getting?"

I blinked slowly and gave him a meaningful gaze. "You know."

Armin's blue eyes widened, his mouth gaping in shock. Petra returned in the room, holding an old book with familiar red markings.

"This is what was in that pocket," Petra muttered, handing me the book.

I thanked her and turned my attention back to everyone else. Armin was glancing back and forth nervously, and Mikasa was visibly uneasy.

Using my uninjured arm, I held up the book for everyone to see. "Do any of you know what this book is?"

Eren, Erwin, Levi and Petra shook their heads. I turned to Mikasa. "I'm surprised you didn't tell them."

"I gave you my word," she murmured.

I nodded.

"This book, I had found years ago, during our very first expedition. It is the diary of Ilse Langnar, a graduate of Wings Senior High."

Erwin's eyes slightly widened at the name. "Langnar...?"

"She was a dedicated werewolf researcher, who had succeeded to uncover many secrets."

My gaze fell on Eren for a few moments, who responded with a raised eyebrow. "What? Is there a secret about me?"

"No... not you. Your father," I said slowly, watching as his eyes flash in surprise.

"Ilse wrote everything in here. Her past, her research, her journey to uncover secrets..... and even her death."

Everyone was silent. "The person responsible for her death, is also responsible for Dr. Jaeger's. And I also believe that this person was the one to murder my parents."

"Who?" Eren's voice was shaking, his body visibly trembling.

I turned back to Erwin, Levi, Hanji and Mikasa. "A werewolf that goes by the name of... KAM."

I dropped the book, hearing it land with a thud.

"Ring any bells?"

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