Episode 1, Part 1: Introduction to Hell

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A/N: Hi there! I shall reiterate that I do not own Hell's Kitchen, nor the characters, not even Gordon Ramsay *sigh*. This is merely a fanfiction of the hit US TV show Hell's Kitchen. I do not make any money out of this *sigh*. This is all for my satisfaction, and hopefully, the readers' as well. I hope you enjoy!

          The contestants filled the limo one by one, some excitedly chattering, others quietly sizing up the competition. This day marks the first day of Season 20 of the global hit reality TV show, Hell's Kitchen, hosted by none other than world-renowned chef, Gordon Ramsay. Nearly two decades at quest for finding the head chef of different prestigious restaurants all around Las Vegas and New York. Nineteen seasons of chefs going through tough challenges and grueling dinner services until the last chef standing turns the knob and opens the door to victory. And now at Season 20, Gordon Ramsay is decided to shake things up.

          "I'm so excited! I wonder what they got in store for us!" Jenny, a sous-chef from North Carolina, chirped excitedly while looking out the windows at fabulous Las Vegas.

          "The producers said that this season is gonna be the biggest, most glorious one yet." Private Chef Ralph's eyes glinted as he imagined what waits for them at the end of the competition.

          Some of the contestants exchanged pleasantries and names along the way to the MGM Grand Hotel where the opening is going to be held in. As they arrived, they spotted a huge crowd gathered in front; fans, camera-men, and celebrities alike, all of them eager to see the unfolding of Hell's Kitchen Season 20. Amidst all them, Chef Gordon Ramsay stood greeting the fans and eager to welcome the chefs. "...and here they are! Please join me in welcoming the chefs who will be competing in Hell's Kitchen Season 20!" The crowd cheers as the limo pulls up in front of the red carpet. The doors are opened by valets and one by one the chefs come out with high in energy, greeting everyone in sight.

          Once everyone was lined up, Gordon started. "I brought before everyone tonight, the top fourteen chefs who will compete for the title of Head Chef of Hell's Kitchen MGM Grand, with a salary of a quarter of a million dollars. And since it is Season 20, we are also awarding the winner with a residence here in One Queensridge Place, Las Vegas!" the crowd cheer while the contestants had their mouths hanging open with such an epic prize at stake.

          "But with all these great prizes, it is only fair that I up my standards as well." Gordon rubbed his hands together, looking very much the part of Hell's Kitchen devil chef. "Prepare for challenges that will push you all to your limits. I also expect perfect dinner service every single time. I chose each and every one of you because I believe that you guys are the most well-suited candidates for the position."

         The chefs nodded and chorused with a "Yes, chef!". After a round of short introductions, everyone headed inside for staple Signature Dish Challenge to help the contestants make their first impressions with Chef Ramsay.

          The large event hall was transformed by the show's staff into a huge kitchen worthy of praise, all equipped with top-of-the-range appliances and items, as well as world-class quality ingredients from exclusive sources. Proteins, starches, vegetables, wines and every ingredient imaginable is available to the contestants for the first challenge. The only thing that they have to worry about for now is how to impress the big boss.

          "Is everybody ready?" Ramsay clapped his hands to get the chefs' attention and he was met with another chorus of agreement. "You all have 45 minutes to create your stunning signature dishes and I will be judging them in front of the live audience. You are all set up for success, so there is no excuse for failure, understood?"

          The chefs' emotions are a mixture of anxiety, nervousness, excitement and more, but they are ready for the fight of their lives and they shouted with a loud "Yes, chef!". In their minds, they already have their signature dishes, the ones they are willing to bet everything on just to get in Chef Ramsay's good graces.

          "Your 45 minutes starts...now!"

A/N: PS, I really would like to know what you all think of all this. Please leave me some comments or suggestions, or give me Gordon Ramsay, whatever works. XOXO

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