Chapter One - Hello Mr.Hottie

Start from the beginning

I unlocked my mini and climbed in the diver’s seat. None of them were aloud to sit in the front because they have a habit of almost making me crash. So Cole and Amy sat in the back and were arguing over who could pull the most boys. I snorted and started the car.

“What you snorting at piggy?” Amy sang.

“Well first of all you don’t even really like boys and second you guys are so immature making everything a competition”

“Well you’re just …. BORING” Cole said laughing.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out of the parking space and drove to college. All the way there I had to put up with their constant babble. They were talking about celebrities they would and wouldn’t do. The two of them were similar but yet so different. Their personalities clash all the time.

“Ohhhh Hayley!” Amy screams and whacks my shoulder.

I squeal as I lose control of the car and swerve into the other lane. I scream as I almost collide with on coming traffic. I then grip the steering wheel and pulled into the lane I was suppose to be in then hit the breaks. Amy and Cole stopped screaming now and pushed each other away as they were clinging to each other for dear life.

“Amy” I screamed turning around in my seat and glaring at her. “What have I told you about shouting in my ear and physically attacking me, while driving you're going to get us killed one day” I snapped.

I turned the key and the car started up again. I began to drive again and went round a round-a-about.

“I’m sorry Hayley”

I nodded while gripping the steering wheel tighter.

“Ohhh yeah I remember now we have a new assistant lecturer person that’s going to be there this year, apparently next year they’re taking over Johns position” She said happily.

“Wooo” I replied dryly.

“I hope he or she’s a babe” She sang.

“It wouldn’t matter teacher/student rules” I smirked.

“I don’t care I’ll be banging them for good grades” She replied proudly.

“But he or she wouldn’t technically be a teacher just one in training” Cole butt in.

“The same rules apply idiot because he or she would be our lecturer next year and Amy that’s just low” I said rolling my eyes.

“Ohh” Cole said sinking back into the seat.

“Put you're seat belt on!” I snapped.

I seen him rolling his eyes in my mirror but pulled on his belt anyway as did Amy.

“I swear you guys better be on your best behaviour this year I can’t go through all the drama like last year” I sighed.

“Yes mum” They said in sync and giggled.

I rolled my eyes at them and took a sharp left causing Amy to smack her head off the window and Cole to smack his head off of her shoulder. I smiled triumphantly at their groans and apologised while holding in my laughter.

“Hayley you did that on purpose?” Amy groaned.

“OMG! If I get a black eye I’m going to cry and kill you Hayley Hunter!” Cole snapped.

I snorted.

“Please you couldn’t hurt a fly Cole you just don’t have it in you” I snickered.

I could hear him mutter under his breath but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. Around 5 minuets later I pulled into the college car park and circled looking for a parking space. Once I found one I parked and got out the car as did Cole and Amy. I grabbed my bag and shut the door while locking my car. We made our way into the building and saying hello to the passing students we knew. We all went into the canteen and I got a coffee to calm my nerves. Amy got a lucozade and Cole was tanning the red bull as he was out parting last night and hasn’t had much sleep.

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