Chapter One - Hello Mr.Hottie

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Chapter One - Hello Mr Hottie.

It was Wednesday, 1st of September the start of a new year at college. I was in my room looking in the full length mirror. My long blonde hair was straight. My make up was perfect and I was proud of my pink full lips. I had on a brown see through shirt and a vest top on underneath it with a black dress jacket over it, brown skinny jeans with black heels. I grabbed my bag off of my bed and headed into the living room. I was sitting on the couch waiting on Amy and Cole. It was the first day back of 

our second year of college. You’d think because it’s the first day back the two of them would actually want to make an effort to turn up on time. Sadly nope I share a flat with two of the loudest, obnoxious, big headed people I know. I looked at the clock and it read 8:25. I groaned inwardly at myself. I was actually thinking about leaving them and letting them get the bus to college or pay for a taxi.

“Will you to move!” I shouted tapping my foot against the coffee table.

“Babe it takes time I can’t always look perfect” Cole shouted from his room in his Essex’s accent.

“Well if you don’t move you will be sporting a nice shinny black eye” I said through gritted teeth.

“Ok ok I’m coming!” He shouted and slammed his door shut behind him and entered my line of view.

“That’s what she said!” Amy shouted in her heavy Irish accent coming into my sight.

I groaned.

“Amy it’s only half 8 please enough with the sexual references” I said pulling my eyebrows together.

She snickered while making her way into the kitchen and came out with an apple. She was leaning against the kitchen door frame while biting into her apple.

“Are you really wearing that?” I asked in disbelieve.

She had on a white and blue baggy stripped shirt with a green scarf around her neck and the shortest denim shorts I have ever seen. The shirt was longer than the shorts to be frank.

“Yeah, I wanna make an impression why?” She giggled.

I shock my head at her as she took another bite out of her apple.

“You should buy longer shorts Amy; I can see your ass cheeks!” I said not amused.

“Funny that, cause I got them from your wardrobe” She said while turning and shaking her ass at me.

“Shake what your mumma gave ya” She sang still shaking her bum from side to side.

“Those are mine?” I asked in disbelieve while making a face.

“Yes love” She said grinning while turning back around to face me.

“I need to invest in longer shorts” I said disgusted then continued. “Are you guys ready?”

“Yes sir” Amy said mocking my Scottish accent.

I rolled my eyes at her and got up from the couch and made my way to the front door. I opened it and shoved the two of them out the door and locked it. We stayed in luxuries apartments in the middle of England. I bet your wonder why a Scottish, Irish and Essex person all live in London in the same flat? Well we all moved to London because the college choice was better. We all met last year which was our first year of college. Amy and Cole were standing arguing over who had better hair, childish I know. I intervened and then we instantly all became friends. We all got stuck with sucky roommates in college campus so we decided to split in 3 ways for the apartment.

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