Let's Play a Game (31)

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“Yeah, that’s fine,” I smiled, even though the last thing I wanted to do was spend time with the little brat. “We’re just baking a cake for a class of ours, so it shouldn’t be too hard to watch him while we do it.”

It didn’t seem like Steve was listening to me any longer, because he was now looking down at my mother’s ring that was still on my finger. I glanced at it, and Steve noticed this.

“Your dad gave you your mom’s ring, huh?” he asked me, and I nodded. “That’s good. I’m sure she would have wanted you to have it.”

I nodded, but the only thing I could think of at that moment was that Steve had a crush on my mother. It was weird to think about, since he ended up with Brianna and my mom ended up with my dad. Everything would have been different if they had gotten together.

Steve patted my hand and then left after this, and barely five minutes after he had left, there was a knock on the front door. Zach moved to get it, but I was closer so I quickly made my way to go open it.

I was surprised to see Kate there, pregnant stomach and all. She hadn’t told me that she was coming over, so I had no idea why she was there right then.

“Mr. Ranch told me that you and Zach were baking a cake,” she grinned, and it was the kind of grin that had always scared me when it came from Kate. “You’re baking a cake without me? You know how much I love to bake.”

I blinked at her. “I thought Mr. Ranch wanted only Zach and me to bake the cake, since our baby blew up and everything…”

She shrugged, making her way by me and into the kitchen to join Zach. “He didn’t seem to have a problem with it when I told him I’d help you guys out.”

Okay, then. The more the merrier, and the easier it would have been to get this over with. Even though this was easier than taking care of a fake baby, I still didn’t really want to bake a cake. I hadn’t ever been the greatest baker, unlike Kate.

But after we started to get to work, I noticed how much faster we were going with Kate helping us. We’d be done in only a few hours, and I knew it was going to be decorated a lot prettier than it would have been if Zach or I tried to do it.

Everything was going so well, amazing even, but then I heard the screaming.

I spun around to see Kate squatting down on the floor, she being the one screaming, and both Zach and I looked at each other for a moment, neither of us knowing what the hell we were supposed to do.

“Kate!” was all I was able to shout as I crouched down beside her and placed my hand on her arm. Her hands were on her stomach, and I feared the worst. “Kate, are you okay? What do you need? What’s going on?”

“Kate?” Zach tried when Kate didn’t respond to me. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, and this seemed to get her attention. “What’s going on?”

“My water broke!” she gasped, holding onto her stomach even tighter now.

I didn’t know if only your water breaking caused you to act like she was, but Kate had always been one to overreact…

“Call Logan, and then her parents,” Zach ordered as he helped Kate up off the kitchen floor. “We’ve got to drive her to the hospital.”

 I nodded, turning off the oven before sprinting to the other side of the kitchen, where my phone was. I quickly picked it up as Zach nearly carried Kate all the way out the door and into his car. I typed in Logan’s number, barely even looking down at my phone.

“Hello, future Mrs. Deveraux,” Logan started, and I was in too much of a panic to snap at him for calling me that, even though it was true. “What have I done to deserve a wonderful call from my dear friend?”

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