She continued, "It's exhausting to be mistress. Everyone wants something, I have to always appear in good spirits to Louis, and I can't complain about any pains or illness. I have to always be perfect." She let out a huff. Louise got to sit around and sulk while Athénaïs danced until her feet wore sore and her body ached from the king's use. She didn't mind the latter, but it got harder with each passing week to keep the king laughing while exhaustion seeped into her bones. "I need a break but I can't take one unless I'm willing to risk falling out of favor while I'm gone." She took a steady breath to stop herself before someone could overhear.

"You'll be fine. You can do this. Remember I can help when you need it." Gabrielle's face wrinkled with worry. "Do you need to take tonight off? I'll keep an eye on the king. Louise is off sulking in the corner. She shouldn't be a problem."

"I don't understand why she puts up with her position either. If I were her I'd leave court." Leaving would give her an escape from her misery. Time to heal away from the court's scorn and ridicule. Staying only prolonged the pain and betrayal.

"Madame Montespan!" Madame de Richelieu wound her way through the crowd, her steps rushed. She dropped her voice to a hissing whisper. "Your husband is here."

She almost dropped her glass of wine. She fumbled, but caught it at the last second. Several drops sloshed out and onto her skirts, but she didn't notice. This was the moment she'd been dreading. Her nightmares come true. "Are you sure?" "Her voice came out shrill.

"He was in Julie's room yelling at her for helping you become mistress. I guess slandering you all over Paris wasn't enough."

"Has he hurt her?"

"I don't know, but you need to stop him before he hurts her." She looked about the room, her hands bunching in the teal fabric of her dress.

"Stay here, ma sœur," Gabrielle demanded. "We can send guards to help her."

She would welcome his arrest if it came down to it. Behind bars he couldn't hurt her or the children. However she couldn't stand by and let him assault her friend either. Poor Julie, she was too old to handle Montespan on her own and she didn't deserve his wrath. Would she think to call for the guards herself? And if the king got word that Athénaïs's husband had put her in danger again, it could be the match she needed to light the fire against him. She could use this to force the king's hand. A few slaps and kicks would be worth the reward.

Decision made, Athénaïs gathered up her skirts and ran from the room. Courtiers jumped out of the way as she rushed past, her full skirts and uncomfortable shoes slowing her more than she would like. Nobles and servants alike cast her looks of horror when she was forced to push her way through the crowd. Across the room the king danced the night away.

Halfway to her destination she collapsed against a wall, her breath coming out in pants. The dress was too heavy and her shoes pinched her feet. Her tight bodice pressed into her, the deep gulps of air she sought escaping her. Lungs burning, she pushed away from the wall and continued on, stumbling as a sharp pang shot through her right foot. "Mon Dieu, when does the pain end?" she muttered.

When she reached Montausier's door, her hiccupping sobs greeted Athénaïs. Julie lay on the sofa with her head buried in a pillow. Her pink dress made her look like a trampled rose. At the sound of Athénaïs's footsteps, Montausier's head shot up. Her shoulders sagged in relief. Athénaïs spun in a circle as she searched for her errant husband, but he was nowhere in sight. "Tell me what happened."

A fresh sob shook her chest. "He threatened to kill me." Her voice cracked, the pillow muffling it. "He told me I'm as much of a whore as you. He blames me for the king having you."

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