"Maybe a little bit." Mera admitted. She pecked Peter's lips softly. "And I wouldn't have it any other way." she finished. Peter just grinned and leaned back in to give her a more passionate kiss, in which Mera returned.

The two wrapped their arms around each other as the kiss deepened. Peter trailed kisses down Mera's neck, and she moaned in response. Mera then shifted to where she was now on top of Peter, and she moved his face to where his lips met hers again. Peter's phone buzzed underneath him.

Peter groaned in annoyance, as he pulled his phone out and was about to throw it on the bedside table, when he saw who it was that sent him a text. Otto Octavius sent him a message, regarding another experiment that he wanted to see.

Mera on the other hand had no interest in seeing this message, and decided to trail kisses down Peter's neck. Peter groaned as he put down his phone for a moment and placed his hands on Mera's cheeks.

"Mera, as amazing as this feels, something else has come up." he said. Mera got a slightly disappointed look on her face as she registered his last sentence.

"What else has come up?" she asked.

"Dr. Octavius has just begun another experiment. He wants me to come over a little later to test it out." Peter said.

"Oh." Mera said, in a kind of uninterested voice. Peter chuckled at her attempt to hide her disinterest.

"Don't worry, I'll be all yours for another hour, and then the rest of the night." he said. This seemed to perk Mera's spirits up some.

"Well I'll be looking forward to it." Mera said. "Wait a minute.....wasn't his little thing shut down?" she asked.

"Yes, that's why I'm so excited about this." Peter said, with a gleam in his eyes. Something in that gleam made Mera's heart flutter. She then suddenly got the urge to ask him something.

"Do you think that......I could come along?" she asked out of the blue. Peter gave her a skeptical look.

"I thought you weren't interested in what we were doing. Why the sudden change?" he asked. Mera shrugged.

"Well I wanna see what you like to do." she simply said. "And who knows.....maybe I will like it too."

Peter tried not to laugh at her statement. "All right then princess." he said at last.

"In the meantime......" Mera said with a seductive smile. "Let's do something to pass the time." And with that, their lips connected once again.


Peter swung to Octavius Industries with Mera holding onto him tightly.  Once inside, Peter put his Spider-Man suit in his bag and put on his lab coat. Mera looked at him a little funny as she observed him in his coat.

"Why are you wearing this Peter?" Mera asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"This is my lab coat. It's supposed to help protect me in the lab from certain things." Peter replied. "You like it?" he asked.

"Do you want my honest opinion?" Mera asked. Peter slumped a little and sighed, knowing what she was implying.

"You don't like it." he said.

"Nope." Mera giggled. "It looks like you're wearing something that is too big." she commented, walking in a circle around him.

"That's lab coats for you. They're for protection, but they suck in style." Peter said, getting out his card and scanning it to enter. "Dr. Octavius!" Peter called out.

The Princess and the Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now