Chapter Nineteen: Seed

Start from the beginning

" A boy. I think it's a boy." Mom said proudly.

I smiled." I think it's a boy too."

" You promise me you will teach her or him when they're old enough to know?" She asked and I smiled excited if it was a boy to teach it like I taught Carl.

I nodded," Swear. Did you come up with baby names ?"

" No, I came up with one for a boy." She said, admitted laughing a bit.

" Let me hear it ."

" Jake." Mom said with her eyes bright." Jake Grimes. It just...always stuck."

" I love it. It's a perfect name."

" Hey, while the others wash their panties. Let's go hunt." Daryl announced, pulling back on his crossbow." That owl didn't exactly hit the spot."

" Can I come?" I asked, turning around to see Dad and Daryl look to me.

" How else are we gonna catch food ?" Daryl teased while I laughed and walked over to them.

The woods were not beautiful anymore to me. After the farm, everything changed in my life. I notice the darkness in the woods and in this world. I was worried about the baby and Lori. We all guessed Lori was eight months, but we knew so little. She could give birth any minute, and I didn't want my little sibling out here.

" Kayla." Daryl laughed, and I turned, seeing he plucked a Violet from the ground. I smiled, watching him walk over to me and place it in my hair." Beautiful flower for my beautiful girl."

" Thanks," I said and smiled, continuing to walk.

I walked behind Daryl keeping my head low and following when Daryl came to a stop nearly causing me to collide into him. He stared into the distance and I turned seeing a prison with many of it's inmates crawling around as walkers.

" That's a shame," Daryl muttered.

Dad chuckled and I glanced over to him seeing the wonder in his eyes. he was coming up with ideas and I took a glimpse at the prison trying to think of what he was seeing.

" Let's get the group," Dad ordered, already sprinting back.

Daryl and I looked to each other before following. We all gathered on the outside of the prison fences watching Dad cut into the barbed fenced. Knowing action was about to commence, I moved the violet from my hair and into my pocket for safekeeping.

" Watch the backside," T-dog warned

" Got it," I said, walking towards Lori and killing a walker that was coming towards her.

" Let's go !" Dad yelled, holding the fence out for Maggie first.

Slowly, each one of us got into the prison. I allowed Lori to go before I made it through and watched Glenn and Daryl quickly tire the fence back up. Daryl took my hand lightly, and we ran around the bases watching the walkers try and grab us. They were determined, and loud, but I laughed at their dumb attempt.

" It's perfect." Dad said with a smile and pointed to the distance." If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight."

" So, how do we shut the gate ?" I asked, looking to see how far the walk was from where we were to the gate.

" I'll do it." Glenn volunteered." You guys cover me."

Maggie shook her head quickly." No, it's a suicide run."

" No, you, Maggie, and Beth draw as many as you can over there. Pop 'em through the fence. Daryl go back to the other guard tower. Carol, you've become a pretty good shot. Take your time. We don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel, you and Carl take this tower. Kayla...Do you want to run to the gate with me ?" Dad asked, knowing me by heart.

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