{Roses Are Red}

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"Who? You actually know someone who would do this?" Violet questioned.

"I mean, maybe. I'm not so sure. I went out to a bar that night and met someone. His name is Jack. He wanted to take me back to his place, but he got into a fight and I just wanted to go home. He insisted on driving me home, but I respectfully declined. I gave him my phone number because he was adamant I needed to call him when I got home. Hoseok  -- I mean, Dylan -- was on his way to the dorms and picked me up. When we got home, Jack called me as soon as I got to the elevators. It was too much of a coincidence. Basically, he called me again that night and threatened me, saying I would regret ditching him. It was terrifying. Then, well -- you know the rest." I lowered my head in resolution.

"Why don't you leave?" Asked Violet.

"Excuse me?" I said, slightly offended.

"No, no! I mean, why don't you leave for a while to be safe? Like, Hoseok -- was it? Is that his Korean name?" I nodded.

"I don't have anywhere else to go. My dad is in a home because he has pretty severe dementia. I don't have anymore family." I sighed.

"I would offer you to stay here, but it seems pointless with you living right next door." Jazmine offered.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I know you don't have much room left anyways." I chuckled, "these things are so small."

"Yeah, well, what can you do?" Jazmine laughed.

"I did notice that you two have a room I definitely don't have." I pointed to an open door across the room, tucked away in the left corner. "Is that a home office? I see you have a large map in there! How cool!"

"It's nothing. It's my workspace. No one is allowed in there." Violet said very seriously. She made continuous eye contact with me in what I assumed to be an attempt to keep me from looking in there.

"Oh, secretive." I laughed trying to lighten the mood. It failed miserably.

Violet suddenly stood and approached the open door. She closed it forcefully. She returned to her seat after Jazmine shot me an apologetic look.

"Anyways, this guy, Jack." Violet reminded us. The room started to feel stuffy and claustrophobic.

"Um, yeah." I continued, "Well, I think he's just creepy. I have no evidence or reason to believe it was him, really. I mean, he did get quite angry when I referred to Hoseok as my friend. He didn't believe me."

"Do you think he -- no. He couldn't have --" Violet didn't finish her thought.

"Did he threaten Hoseok?" Jazmine inquired. "Like, he could have threatened to hurt you."

I paused in thought.

"But, there are so many better ways to get rid of Hoseok than forcing him to kill himself." Violet chimed in.

"Well, maybe he wanted to make sure he wouldn't be a problem." Jazmine stated, sadly.

"I --" My mind was distraught.

"Why don't you just call him up and ask him?" Violet asked, sounding annoyed.

"We're not exactly on speaking terms." Violet snickered.

"Were you being too clingy? Batting your big, sad eyes up at him like a lost mutt everytime he tried to leave you?" She became suddenly aggressive. "Tried to kill himself to get away. Couldn't stand it, I imagine."

"Excuse me?" I scoffed, flabbergasted. She had blindsided me in a matter of seconds. "You were the one who suggested he was forced to do it!"

"Yeah! You forced him to. Who could live with someone like you? How can you live with yourself?" She yelled, standing.

Hello, Beautiful. [under heavy editing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt