Brick Walls Line the Streets

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He walked me out of the bar and onto the street.

"So, do you have a car here?"

"Oh, no. I walked. My dorm's only a few minutes from here."

"I see. Well, my car is just around the back." He had his hand just above the small of my back. It was mildly uncomfortable.

We started our way down the dimly lit street. It was really cold outside, but nothing unusual for Oregon, I suppose.

As we turned the corner, we nearly walked directly into three men. These men were tall, almost disheveled, and were smoking cigarettes in the rain.

"Woah, there buddy. Watch where you're going." The tallest said.

"My bad, dude. Maybe next time you and your friends don't want to stand right at this corner, clearly in the walkway of others?" Jack was nearly as tall as this guy, and clearly much stronger than him.

"Maybe you and your bitch can watch where the hell you're going, little man." The other men chuckled and walked up behind him. I gasped at the insult.

"Aw, is the little lady scared? Don't worry baby, we're just having a little fun." Jack pushed me behind him with his left arm as the stranger reached for me.

"Back up," Jack demanded.

"And if I don't?" All three men either rolled up their sleeves or threw their cigarette to the ground.

"You'll regret it. Now back the fuck up before I make you."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Last chance to walk away."

The man scoffed.

"Whatcha gonna do?" The man mimicked a punch to Jack's face.

The three men took about half a step forward before he swung. Somewhere along the way, Jack had equipped a pair of sturdy brass knuckles.

Jack quickly punched the middle man in the face once, twice, and then he was down on the ground unconscious. He couldn't even get a swing in.

"What the hell?" One of the men screamed and the other ran away, the first following suit.

"Jack! Oh my god." I was paralyzed the whole time the fight - more like beating - had occurred.

"C'mon, let's go. They'll be back for him." He grabbed my hand and we stepped over the body.

"Jack, I'm not sure I want to go anywhere tonight, actually," I said sheepishly as we continued down the alleyway.

"Seriously? You want to go home?" He stopped and dropped my hand. I nodded and bit my lip nervously.

"I mean, especially since you just beat someone up, I'm not really in the mood to hang out tonight."

"Okay, fine. But, I'm driving you home."

"No, no it's fine. I can walk."

"Are you kidding? No, way. After what just happened, you are not going alone."

"It's fine, really. Here, give me your number and I'll call you if I need anything." Jack sighed.

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