Part 10

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Authors note- I know I'm Evil but I have nothing else to do... Ugh.

Rafael Barba's apartment, December 12th Thursday 7:56pm


Olivia heard Jack suck in a breath as the door opened fully. It was a gruesome scene but not what ether of them expected.

Rafael's body on the bed.
Vomit over the pillows.
Blood streaks on the sheets.

Everything she thought she knew about Rafael Barba flew out the door.

The moment seemed to slip by as they both stared at him. Or what was left.

Nobody had seen this coming.

She knew she had to check for a pulse and call CSU in, hopefully a bus too.

So Olivia swallowed the fear of touching his cold body and slowly walked to the bed, Jack still at the door. She made her way to his bed, looking over the mess of body fluids.

The only thing covering his body was the sweat pants and boxers that he had been wearing this morning.

Taking a pair of gloves from her jacket pocket, she slipped them on. She moved the pillow from his face, but the pillow covered more than his head, it covered his left hand that was curled into a fist.

She touched his fingers which were clamped shut around something. She pried his fingers one by one. In his palm, 2 rings. One gold plated and one silver with a diamond.

She swallowed hard and inspected the gold one closer. It was engraved 'RB & OB' was stamped into it and then the sliver one had the same engraving.

It only gave her another chance to believe he was still alive.

She placed two fingers on his neck, looking away from his body as she counted the seconds, the seconds turned to minutes as she didn't feel a pulse. As she prepared to pulled her fingers away she felt the faint pump of blood through a vein.

Was her body playing horrible tricks on here or

Was Barba alive?


I know super short and probably horrible but I only had 30 minutes...

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