Part 7

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Ah! I have really messed up the past 2 chapters, I'm sorry. They get parts cut out and I'm actually pissed... Oh well.

Spoiler here;

Haha, you don't get one but this and the next one will make you cry. I promise.


Rafael stood on the bow just looking at the dark blue water, his mind wandered off to so many places that he didn't hear or see a motor boat pass infront of the boat or hear Olivia call is name from the hull. What he did notice was the hand that was on his shoulder and the siginature scent of Liv behind him. She had called his name serveral times but noticed he wasnt quiet in reality, so she walked out and behind him putting a hand on his bare shoulder.

Olivia spoke softly and it got his attention, so he turned around and looked at her so he could hear her better "We haven't been alone outside of your condo in months. But i never imagined when we would be alone in the carabien. On your boat." she emphasized your during the last sentence.

Shrugging he smiled, "You haven't seen anything yet" his voice was filled with passion and that scared her a little, pausing for a moment then continuing "Its our 3rd day here, why don't we go out onto shore for dinner, i have a place in mind."

After dinner, they spent the rest of the evening talking and drinking on the boat. They spent the next 18 days doing that and then they were back off to the airport where they managed to sleep all the way to DFW airport.

Somehow Rafael had managed to get paler over those 3 weeks although he had spent most of the time outside without sun screen.

The 3 days they spent with Cragen were amazing, going to the Theatre in Dallas every night then going to a late night dinner in Arlington, going to the park one day, then the Levitt Pavilion the next everything seemed like a dream.

When they got back to NYC, Rafael had a coughing fit, her thinking nothing of it they went back to his condo and unpacked.

Only hours later while nursing a glass of scotch did they speak in a conversation again.

"Olivia we need to talk" his voice rang out through the Condo and was low, depressing sounding.

"Rafe what's wrong-" Olivia walked into the living and started to say before realizing he had called her 'Olivia' instead of 'Liv'. "Rafael. What's wrong, you okay?"

Rafael didn't look up, he just kept staring at his drink "I- this is hard for me to say-"

"Rafael don't, not right now we just-"

Olivia feared the worst, they had been together for almost 10 months and was one of the best ones she had, had in a while.

"No. Olivia, I- I have been thinking, you don't understand how difficult this is for me to say this, but I need space. I didn't just take a month of I took 6. I'm leaving for Aurba in a hour. I'm sorry-"

The next couple of weeks were really brutal for Olivia and Rafael. Olivia moved all of her stuff out of his condo, leaving her set of keys on the kitchen counter.

Rafael on the other hand, was in the South Bronx at his mothers house, not in Aurba as he had originally said.

When Rafael went back to work he did his best to not get his emotions get the better of him. Especially because of the case.

Rafael strode through the precinct, brief case in one have and coffee in the other, a coat draped over his left arm. He came to a stop infront of the cork board and was greeted by Nick and Olivia.

"Found me anything that falls within the statute of limitations yet?" He asked dryly.

And just then, he noticed how out of breath he felt. That was strange, he thought, frowning slightly. He hadn't done anything taxing. He had no reason to be breathless like this.

"You alright?" Olivia asked him. "You look a little pale."

"I'm fine" he barely snapped. He took a few deep breaths and then said in a voice that sounded perfectly normal "So have you found me anything yet?"

"None of the boys are talking" Amanda began.

"Then I guess I just wasted a couple gallons of gas coming over here," Rafael said. "My phone appreciates the break."

"You know, one of these days, you may find letting us get a word in edgewise saves some time" Nick said.

"What did you find then?" Rafael asked simply, sipping at his coffee.

"Something better. Clyde Bakers state-of-the-art laptop had a key logger installed by his parents" Olivia said "We managed to find a record if his chat logs where he begged Samantha to leaving him alone, not to come over to his house anymore, that he hated what she was making him do."

"Not enough for an indictment but were getting there," Rafael said. With that, he left the room, his normal self to all appearances.

But the breathless sensation didn't go away for several minutes after that.

What a life for Barson.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant