Chapter 11

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xX A.N.: I just want to dedicate this chapter to Christina Grimmie, who passed away yesterday, June 11th 2016. She was an amazing singer and definitely didn't deserve to die so young, at 22, nor did her fans and her brother deserve to see her getting shot.

I think it's things like this that make us treasure our lives just a bit more even if just for a few minutes.

May you rest in peace, Christina. Your song "Advice" helped me years ago, when I was sad, thank you. <3

Nymeria_Wolf Xx

Chapter 11

Katherina's P.O.V.

I still can't believe Melody lied to me, because of her plan with Shane, to get James and I together. I just hope this works or I'm so going to kill her. Even the "I'll buy your tickets" part was planned! She wanted to make sure James and I would watch a romantic film. And it is indeed very romantic.

We'll be watching "Romeo & Juliet", starring Douglas Booth -who is so hot, by the way- and Hailee Steinfeld. I've never been a good fan of Shakespere but the trailer did make the film seem good, so I don't mind watching it with James.

Melody is now helping me get ready. Which was also part of her plan, of course. She wants to make sure I dress something very nice and sexy. Just the "sexy" part makes me want to kill her...

She went to my wardrobe, went through all of my clothes and chose the outfit I'd be wearing. She then made me dress it up. When I was dressed, I looked at the mirror and looked in aw at how good I'm actually looking.

I'm dressed in this very low-necked but very beautiful long-sleeved white crop top which is also pretty open in the back, and I'm also dressed in a simple black skirt. I'm actually looking pretty sexy.

          Melody: Wow, I did a pretty good job. - she said too looking in aw at me and I nodded.

          Katherina: You bet.

          Melody: James is not going to be able to let go of you. My dear sister, I actually think you're probably going to get laid tonight. - she joked with a smirk and I glared at her.

          Katherina: Take that back or I'll take these clothes off and go with something of my choosing.

          Melody: Your choosing? Ok ok, I take it back! - she said very quickly and we both laughed - Ok, let me do your makeup and hair now.

She straightened my hair with a flat iron and then curled the front pieces with a curling iron. For my makeup, she did this low eyeliner and putt some sexy red lipstick on my lips. Ok, NOW I am looking pretty sexy.

          Melody: Ok, you're good to go. - she said patting my shoulder friendly and I giggled.

          Katherina: Thanks sis. I'm owing you. - I said and she shook her head.

          Melody: No you're not, you idiot. - she joked and we laughed. She then hanged me my bag, but first, putt the tickets inside. - Now, let's go downstairs and wait in the living room.

James' P.O.V.

I'm now at home, getting ready for my date with Katherina, with the help of Shane. He's choosing an outfit for me. He got some clothes from my wardrobe and then told me to dress up. After I took my clothes off, and dressed up the black jeans he gave, he made me stop before I could dress the shirt.

Once Upon an Angel (Under Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora