Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Melody's P.O.V.

          Katherina: So, how was it?? - she asked me with the most curious grin on her face that I've ever seen.

I just got home and told Katherina everything about my first kiss with Shane. She got so happy and excited for me, she's such a good sister. I hope she can have my luck with James, I know she likes him... Let's pray, hope and wish her all best of luck.

          Melody: It was... Amazing. It felt so great. It was so... magical, I don't know. I don't really have words to describe it. - I said with a dreamy smile and she squealed.

          Katherina: Oh my god, that sounds so great!! I hope mine can be just like that. - she said with a dreamy smile just like me.

          Melody: Yeah, maybe it will be... Only difference is, it'll be with James, right?? - I said with a smirk and she blushed.

          Katherina: Maybe? - she said with a shy smile and we both squealed of joy.

          Melody: I know it will be, we just have to wait... Our lives have changed a lot since we met those two, haven't they?

          Katherina: Yes, they have. - she said with a small nod as we began to think of the day we met those two.

Shane and James... Oh, those two... How they've changed our lives. And Evelina and Lucy kind of did the same too. We should probably start talking more with them. Especially now that I'm dating Shane and he's Evelina's brother. Well, we can take care of that later. Right now I'm trying to think of something to help my sister with James. Problem is, nothing is coming to my mind... Not a single idea... Guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow and see.

***The next day***

It's Tuesday morning, and Kat and I are on our lockers as usual, taking out our books for today's subjects. And of course, we're also waiting for Shane and James, a thing that has become a habit by now. I bet Shane will try to scare me... And I'm betting because I know he'll do just that for sure. I don't know how I know it, my gut is just telling me that.

Just as I was having these thoughts, I took some final books out and closed the door of my locker, revealing Shane behind it, leaning against the locker next to mine, which of course scared the crap out of me.

          Melody: Shane, what the hell!! Stop that, please! You're going to give me a heart attack. - I said furious as I tried to calm down and he chuckled.

          Shane: Ok ok, sorry. Can you forgive me? - he said half serious half joking.

          Melody: No. - I said pouting and crossing my arms. He then leaned in and gave me a small and sweet kiss on the lips.

          Shane: Forgive me now? - he asked me and I made a cute thinking face which made him chuckle slightly.

          Melody: Hmm. Well... Maybe if you give me another kiss... - I said with a smirk and he smirked back with a chuckle. He then leaned forward again giving me a longer kiss, again on the lips, and I happily and lovingly kissed back.

Oh it just feels so good to kiss him. It feels so right, so amazing, so... good? I just don't have the words to describe it! Maybe amazing and right, I don't really know. I just know it gives me all these amazing feelings too, especially love. I can now really feel how much I love him and it feels so great. And I know he loves me in the exact same way which makes everything even greater.

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