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I kept glancing at her then the banner. I couldn't decide if I should hold it up yet or just wait. And should I even hold it up? I don't feel or see much of that kind of vibe here. Great, now I was overthinking everything and couldn't stop. 

“Are you going to raise the banner?” I heard a voice say. 

I looked in the direction of the voice to see Diara looking at me with an eyebrow raised. “Uh..yeah, yeah.” I said reaching for it, accidentally knocking it down on the ground. 

Who knows what else could have been on the ground more than dirty bottoms of shoes. Bugs, spilled soda, maybe even rats. I shivered at the thoughts and took a deep breath before picking up the banner off the ground. I realized how long it was and hard to hold on my own. I guess Diara saw me struggling and got up to help me hold up the banner. Caleb joined in and Peta tried to help but was too short. I also touched a spot that so happened to be sticky before finding a non sticky place to grab.

Many heads turned our way and eyes looked our way, but I ignored the stares. I looked ahead where the wrestlers were, to see Bee's eyes moving over to us. They landed on the poster and she smiled crookedly before giving me a thumbs up. I gave her a thumbs up back, almost dropping my side of the banner in the process. 

Bee and her rival wore what looked like a brace almost around their heads. I wasn't wrestling savvy or anything savvy really. All I knew was that it looked really uncomfortable. The girl and her both wore tight suits, that looked like a matching tank top and shorts seed together. Bee had our school colors while the girl wore blue and yellow. It was very easy for me to tell them apart. 

They walked around the circle in the center of the room like crabs, or how I've seen crabs walk in TV shows and movies. Then the girl went for Bee's head. Her arms grasped the air though, missing by some inches. Bee moved for her waist immediately but missed as well. The girl went again for the head and brought Bee down. I winced at the noise like many others, when their bodies hit the ground. 

I still waved the banner with my friends while Peta made a mess, getting ketchup and mustard on his shirt. Instead of helping with rooting for Bee at all. Not to mention he kept stealing sips from my drink, like I wouldn't notice or didn't see him do it. More so I couldn't do anything about it really since I was holding the banner up. 

They rolled on the ground, Bee's skin started to get pink. It was like the girl was giving Bee a tight bear hug while they rolled on the ground. I frowned, glancing around to see if anyone was going to start a cheer. I was wondering if people did that at wrestling. I wasn't very sure about wrestling or any sports really. And the judges that sat a little ways behind them made this match feel more serious. So I hoped with all my heart that Bee would win. 

After a while of rolling around and struggling in girl’s grip Bee started to fall down against the ground. I knew that was bad, Bee couldn't lay down on the ground or she lost. But eventually Bee escaped from the girl's grip and took control, reversing their roles. I cheered when Bee finally took the girl down. And surprisingly I wasn't the only one who cheered, besides the ones who came to the match with me of course. 

Peta started to call out names of certain moves Bee or the girl would do. I wouldn't remember them even if I tried, it’s a shame how he knew more than me. He's never even been to a match or watched one before. And I don't think he has been in one either, otherwise he'd be a pancake. 

Paying attention to this match I found out their was like three rounds, I guess? I probably needed to do some research if I was gonna go to another match of hers. Being clueless about everything was a bit annoying and frustrating. But it was still fun to cheer when I knew when to and fill a boost of energy. Caleb and Diara was eventually pumped up, which I was very thankful about or I would feel terrible about them being here. 

Bee Sting | NaNoWriMo 2018Where stories live. Discover now