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Caleb was standing near the table blinking at all the girls at our table. He glanced at Diara and me, which Diara was too evolved in a conversation to notice. Eventually he leaned down his head near me.

“Who are these people?” he whispers.

“I only know one of them really. The green haired girl I don't know at all but the other two are from gym.” I reply and Caleb nodded with a sigh before taking a seat.

“Now I'm really surrounded by girls.” he grumbled and I shook my head smiling.

“Sorry Caleb.” I replied and he waved his hand in dismissal before taking a huge bite out of his spicy chicken sandwich.

“How can you eat that? Doesn't that make you feel sick?” the girl with green hair asked and Caleb blinked at her while chewing.

“Olive.” Bex grumbled and the green haired girl who I assumed was Olive glanced at her confused.

“Not everyone can survive on that salad.” Diara said speaking up, stopping her conversation with the other girl with short brown hair.

“I don't see why not.” Olive replied before eating some of it.

“Well it doesn't taste good, none of this food really does but we need to eat and be full. That salad wouldn't fill me.” Diara argued.

“It does taste-” Olive started.

“Can we not argue about food of all things. We like different things, so what?” I said stepping in to end it and thank goodness silence filled the air.

It didn't last too long because Diara was back to talking with the other girl. Caleb was telling me about his house that was getting remodeled and Olive eventually left the table. I decided to include Bex in a conversation since she just sat there eating and glancing at where Olive once sat.

“So how do you like it here in Dallion Valley?” I asked causing Bex to glance up from her food.

“Oh..um it's okay. It's very easy to make friends in the school at least. And the neighborhood isn't loud. It's easy to fall asleep well minus barking.” Bex answers before eating some fries.

“Barking?” I asked frowning as Putt came to mind.

“Oh yeah, it's my dog though. Do you-”

“Have a dog?” we ended up asking pretty much the same question at the same time.

“Yeah I do.” Bex answered with a crooked smile.

“I kind of have a dog but he belongs to my neighbors.” I explain.

“Oh? I haven't seen another dog running out. Is he friendly with other dogs? My poor Surme misses being around all the dogs she use to be around at our old place.” Bex says shaking her head.

“Is Surme her name?” I ask before eating some of my spicy chicken sandwich.

“Surmelis actually.” she replies and finishes off her fries.

“I'm not sure how Putt reacts to other dogs. But if he can get along with my brother I don't see why he wouldn't get along with your dog.” I say and eat some of my fries.

“Well then want to go over for a dog play date? Or experiment to see how it goes?” she suggests.

“Sure.” I reply and eat more of my sandwich as her smile reappears on her face.

“Today, good?” she asks and I nod while chewing. “Great! Oh, I should give you my number so you can let me know when you’re coming.” she said rummaging in her backpack before pulling out a pen and wrote her number on a napkin, before handing it to me.

Bee Sting | NaNoWriMo 2018Where stories live. Discover now