Try Me

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3rd Person POV

"Alright, I've finished cleaning here.." Tony panted as he sat on to the ground.

Steve wiped off his sweat, "Hah.." He suddenly removed his shirt, exposing his rock hard body against Tony.

Tony was stunned when he saw this, his jaw dropped.

"If you guys are trying to sexually arouse each other, I'd suggest you do it in another room." Stephen said while wiping off some dusts as he looked at both Tony and Steve in the corner of his eye.

Steve blushed, "I-It's not like that."

"Oh, but it is." Tony interrupted, a smirk forming on his face. But Steve wasn't sure at what he meant, he was such an innocent person.

Tony then stood up from the ground as he approaches his lover, he was doing a cat walk. "Grr ~"

"U-uhmm..Stephen?" Steve called out Strange for help.

Since Stephen saw the two were standing next to each other, he decided to form a portal under them. He delivered the two in the bedroom, they both fell on the bed. Tony fell right on top of Steve, he pinned him down so that the other man won't escape. "Have fun love birds ~" Strange waved goodbye before he closes the portal on the ceiling.

"Well, how about that?" Tony grinned at Steve.

"S-Stop it Tony. We need to-" Steve was about to say something related about Skull again but was cut off by Tony.

Tony suddenly placed his index finger on to Steve's lips to shut him up, "I wanna ride you ~"

"I'm not a horse Tony."

Tony stopped there for a moment, he suddenly burst out of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Steve was confused.

"Pfft- Ok, ok." Tony tried to calm himself down, "What I'm trying to say is.." He began to intertwine his fingers to show it to Steve. The soldier suddenly blushed out of embarrassment.

Tony smugged at him, he started to sit down on Steve's crotch area and he rubbed it using his ass. He hummed.

Steve groaned, trying to grip the bedsheets. "T-Tony.."

"Shh ~ Let me do the work." Tony purred. "You like that? ~"

Steve blushed, he only nodded.

"Good." Tony leaned at him making them rub their members together. He suddenly kissed Steve agressively, he grabs both his hands and started to intertwine their fingers together. "Mhnn ~"

Steve kissed him back, their tongues swirling with each others saliva. He was hard as fuck, he wanted Tony so bad.

Tony stopped kissing him, giving them time to breathe. "So..what's next Captain?" He panted.


"What was that?"

"Come ride with me Tony.." Steve can't believe he said that.

Tony smirked, "Hehe. That's what I'm talking about." He started to remove his shirt exposing his abs. "What'd you think?"

"I think you're beautiful, Tony."

"No I'm not."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sexy ~"

Steve chuckled a bit, "Let's just get started, shall we?"

"You really can't wait, huh?" Tony smirked at him.


"..S-Steve..." Bucky mumbled under his cold breath. Skull locked him up on a large freezer compartment. It smelled really disgusting there, raw blood and fresh meat are mixing their smell.

Bucky flop down on the cold floor, he doesn't care if it had a pool of blood there, he just wanted to rest. He sighed.

Then suddenly, the metal door opened, revealing Skull.

Bucky saw he was holding his metal arm, "W-Where did you get that?" he was freezing to death.

"GET UP." Skull commanded.

Bucky obeyed him, he doesn't want to experience torture anymore, he just wanted to see Steve. His body was shaking when he got up, he slowly walked towards Skull, looking down in awe.

Skull grabbed him by his shoulder and pushed him outside making Bucky stumble on the ground, all naked. Yes, Skull made him naked. "Just look at yourself."

Bucky almost cried, he felt degraded. But he wanted to be strong for Steve.

Skull suddenly tossed his metal arm in front of him. "I have a deal."

A deal? Skull was only seen a few to bargain with a certain person. Which means he's really doing this for Captain Hydra. Is he really that important? How? Why?

Bucky only looked down at his metal arm, still shaking from the cold. "W..What deal?"

"I'm glad you asked." Skull replied. "Spare me your life or help me to get Captain Hydra back."

Bucky looked up at Skull, widening both his eyes. He doesn't want to die yet, he wants to see Steve before he does. But what choice does he have? He has to pick one or else he'll surely in his hands. He gulped, still processing on what to choose.

"Answer me. Now." Skull glared at him. He put out a gun from his hands, and pointed out at Bucky, on his head. "Time's running."


Bucky felt the pistol reloads its bullet on his forehead, he was shaking in fear. He had no choice.

"I'M WAITING." Skull interrupted him.

Bucky sighed. "..I'll help. I-I'll help you.."

"Good soldier." Skull removed the gun from his head. "Now put your metal arm back, by the way I found it on Tony's abandoned lab." He then left him there.

"Tony's abandoned lab.." Bucky mumbled, "But why is it there..?" He asked himself before flopping on to the ground again.

He looked at his metal arm and hugged it, "Steve used to play this with me..." He mumbled under his breath. Oh how he missed him, if he could only just bring back time, when he and Steve are having fun with each other without Tony. He sighed, well he can't control time, he'll just have to wait what will happen.

"Oh Steve..what's with Tony that I don't have?" He continued to mumble by himself. After a minute or two Skull suddenly went in to the room again.

Bucky quickly sit down and started to insert his metal arm on his body.

"Let's go." Skull looked at him.

Ok, I mispublished this chapter earlier. Sorry about that lol

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