The Man from the Shadows

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Tony's POV
OH MY GOD! IT WAS ST-, I was cut off by his hand blocking my mouth, his cape hugged me tightly so that I wouldn't escape. I only struggled again, is he the one who kidnapped me? Why would Strange do this? That's when I realize he wasn't the old Strange that I remembered. He had red eyes and he looked so badass, oh god..He then lift me up and put me to sit on a chair. His cape helped him to wrap my body around with some weird orange chains that came from Strange, I guess that came from his powers.

Strange finally let go of my mouth, I breathed heavily, I started to shout for help but that didn't help at all. I almost forgot my lab was sound proof, the magician only chuckled when he saw me hopeless. I got angry, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?" I yelled, but he looked calm and confident, is he just trying to get me on my temper? Oh right, I forgot Strange is annoying, but not like Steve, maybe he's just using his tricks to annoy me? "You know what, your tricks won't work on me again wizard." I scoffed.

Well, you know what he only did? HE JUST ROLLED HIS EYES, god I hate this guy and of course he hates me too. I didn't care, I tried to struggle with the chains but it just got worst, Strange started to tighten it up. Fuck, this chains are burning me! "G-god just talk already..!" I blurted out, then the wizard suddenly smiled at me and finally loosen up the chains. He stands up in front of me, "Tony..I just wanted to talk to you, but you're the one who's annoying." he finally spoke.

Stephen's POV
"Excuse me?" he sarcastically said, "Ok look, I don't have time for this." I said while opening a portal to nowhere Tony could be found. "W-wait, where are you taking me?" he asked kinda scared, "Don't worry, this is not kidnapping, I'll just borrow you for a while." I smiled pushing Tony inside the portal. As I close the portal, I turned around to Tony, and he was still struggling in his chair, I chuckled a little. "THIS.IS.NOT.FUNNY.WIZARD." he said, but I just shrugged it off, I find him a little funny when he do that, he's cute.

Tony was grumbling, maybe he wanted to go to sleep already that's why he's angry? Besides, we were sitting here for almost an hour now, and Tony was still tied up in the chair. "What the heck did you wanted to talk about?" he suddenly asked, "Oh right, about that..It was a joke, I just wanted to spend some quality time with you." I said smiling to him. "WHAT?" he glared at me, oh my gosh that's the most cutest thing I've ever saw today, I tried not to chuckle again, I only stared at him for a good second.

"Ok, you know what, I think you should go to bed." I said finally standing up and walking towards him, "Huh!?" he was still mad. I removed the chains and my cape started to wrap around Tony tightly again, he was cute like a teddy bear. I lifted him up and proceeded to walk towards a bedroom, "Put me down wizard!" he yelled over and over again, I sighed annoyed at him. "Tony, if you don't shut up I swear I will disassemble your body." I scolded him, thankfully he got quiet, I guess that was way too far to scold a person.

Like I promised, there'll be book 2 uwu

Btw, a follower asked me to reveal my face, should I do it? lol :3

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