Missing You

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Steve's POV
I put the device in my head as I hold tight on the handle of my chair. I didn't know what I was doing anymore, but all I knew is I'm doing this for Tony, only him. "On the count of 3...2...1." I pressed the red button that had me brainwashed. My eyes began seeing all kinds of different colors, there were also some pictures of me and Tony, so this is what my mind looks like. It's like I'm on a drugs, but at the same time my mind felt like it's walking backwards quickly.

The machine suddenly stopped, I was..back. But, I might have broken the machine, my bad, I guess I was brainwashed THAT bad. I tried to fix myself up, my head still hurts a little but I do remember some stuff. Weird. I almost forgot, the portal! I ran into Tony's lab immediately and saw the portal closing slowly. "Here goes..-" I finally jumped inside it, feeling my body cells a bit tingly. It felt really strange inside that portal, but not so long, I arrived somewhere, in front of a somewhat old house. Don't worry, I'm coming for you Tony.

Tony's POV
I decided to go down my lab since I can handle my own body now. Just a bit, I guess. Hopefully Stephen isn't roaming around the house right now, or else he'll see me. I opened the door to my room slowly, so that it won't leave those creaky noises, this house is like an old geezer. As I go out of my room, I proceeded to go down stairs, but before that, I checked every sight of each corner of the house, then I suddenly saw somebody near our exit door, "NO WAY! IS THAT STEVE?!"

I covered my mouth to shut up, but it was too late. He quickly turned around to look at me in shock, "Is it really you? Tony?" He asked me. "Yes?" I was kinda awkward, "It's so nice to see you!" He smiled and almost teared up out of joy, he suddenly approached to hug me, so tight. "Um? It's nice to meet you?" I confusingly replied, but then he stopped hugging me and put me down, "Don't you remember me, Tony?", his eyes were ocean blue and it was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen, it was stunning.

"Tony?" He interrupted me, "O-oh, um..I don't really seem to remember you? But, you're familiar." I finally snapped out of my dreams. I can tell he was hurt, but was hiding it. "I-I'm sorry.." I tried to comfort him, Steve then looked at me, "I don't remember you having red eyes.", "What?" I was confused. "And those little fangs on your teeth, and your clothes. Tony, what happened?" Steve looked worried now, I just shrugged, "I don't know?" I simply replied. He sighed, exhausted, it must have been a long way through here from there.

"Look Tony, I don't know what happened to you or what, but you are in a great DANGER. You have to come with me!" Steve suddenly holds me, tightly, but gently. "W-what?" I was flustered. "PLEASE?" he begged, his eyes full of pain, but I don't wanna leave Stephen behind. "M-My boyfriend.." I mumbled, "What?" Steve gave a confusing look. "I don't wanna leave Stephen.." I said as I looked down, Steve was really hurt, "Stephen..?" he put me down, letting go of me, I only nodded at him. "You mean, Strange?-" he suddenly fell into a portal below him, "STEVE!"


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