18 - Crossing Streams

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Simply thinking of his hands touching me makes me tingle between my legs, the memory of his scent sparking anticipated interest all over my body, the idea of his five o'clock shadow tickling my neck as he whispers sweet Irish nothings in my ear gives me goose bumps. I completely enraptured by this man; his dominant personality inspires my own need to be challenged in ways I'd never thought possible.

After what seems like forever, its finally time to disembark the aircraft, and make our way inside the terminal. I hand back a wee bit, just to avoid the chaos of the other passengers. I feel my nerves have left me shaking like a leave, all it will take it a pushy passenger and I'll topple like pins at a ten-pin bowling game. Making my way in the arrivals lounge, I eagerly look around for Ashling, wanting to get back to Arden as soon as I can. I finally spot her rushing in, looking flustered.

"Emerson!! Oh my god Emerson look at you!!! Eeeek!!" she practically screamed before pulling me into a hug, "I can't believe you're really here, oh my god wow, Arden is going to freak!"

"Whoa babe, easy on haha, it's good to be here. And to see you of course" I chuckle, surprised at the sense of calm washing over me. It must be because she's his sister Em.

"This is going to incredible Ems, it will blow his mind to see you here" she chattered constantly, linking her arm in my own as we make our way to baggage claims.

We made short work of loading the car, and made our way into town. Ashling, having booked the hotel for me, knew exactly where we were headed and made a beeline straight for it. I couldn't wait to have a shower and change; it's been a long night sleeping among strangers at thirty-five thousand feet. I was getting more and more anxious as time passed by and I found myself zoning out more and more. Self-doubt continued to creep in, the annoying little voices that remind me he may not want to see me, he may not believe I have been reaching out, he may have started to move on?

"Hurry up Emerson" Ashling is getting antsy waiting for me, and I know, I am excited too, but I need to at least try to present myself well. I have at least convinced her to ditch breakfast plans, there's absolutely no way I can eat now anyway, so after I finish primping, she's taking me straight to the hospital. She's informed me that Arden is normally the first one there, spending hours at his father's side keeping him company, telling him he'll be fine, and in Ashlings opinion, he is also hiding from the pain of 'losing me'. If that's true, I look forward to healing him from at least that last one, that is, I hope he allows me too.

"Alright, I'm ready Ash" I announced, walking in a knee length, off the shoulder lace dress in a pretty pale shade of pink, my hair flowing out around my shoulders in a soft wave. I've chosen to accessorize it with a simple silver chain with diamond pendant, a gift Arden had given after one of our date nights.

"Wow, just wow! Look at you babe, you look stunning!!" she cried out, as a did a wee turn to show off the cute design of the dress.

It may be a little dressier than I'd normally wear when visiting a hospital, but this is also the first time I am seeing Arden in 15 days, it is the first time I am meeting his twin brother, and his parents. Lord knows who else I might end up meeting, I want to make a good first impression.

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