Chapter 39 - "Leader"

Start from the beginning

I turn around and kick him 'down there' with anger. I turn back around and continue walking. "Say any more and you'll never be able to have kids", I tell him with my back turned towards him. He keeps silent for the rest of the trip to The Super Secretive.

We bring Asher into one of the cells at The SS but Sasha soon bursts into the room. "What were you guys thinking?" She asks in anger and looks at Asher strapped up in a seat in the middle of the room. "We could've waited till after school. I'm teaching and then all of a sudden I hear two 'Super heroes' have kidnapped someone from another class."

"We didn't want to wait", I complain and cross my arms. "We can't just leave him on the loose, he's a criminal technically."

"I know that", she drags out, "but taking him from school is a bit... embarrassing."

"Only for him", Lucas says. "We're not embarrassed."

Sasha smiles in defeat. She takes a deep breath, studying Asher for a moment while he still comprehends that his teacher is a super. "Well, why don't we start investigating?" She says with a clap of her hands.

"Who is the man that is leading you all?" Sasha asks Asher and he gulps. I stay back for now, itching to just go up to him and look at his memories.

"No one", he says and looks at the ground with a frown. "I'm not telling you anything."

I listen to his thoughts as he says this but don't get anything useful out of it. He must be trying not to think about the man because he knows I can read minds. He looks to the side of the room with a glare, obviously not wanting to talk to us.

I walk up to him and grab his head, turning it to face me and his eyes go wide. He jolts under me, trying to get free before I can read his mind. Its not hard to concentrate after the practice at reading minds and I quickly flip through his memories until I get to the ones I want. I see one of when Heather was at his house, frowning as I see them kiss.

I hastily move on until I come across a memory of him talking with the man in the cloak. They sit at a table talking. I can't see the man's face but it seems like him and Asher are quite close. They chat about things that are of no use and I move onto another memory.

I find a memory from when the bomb went off and scrunch up my face. Suddenly I remember something, from when I was helping people after the bomb went off. I remember thinking that I was forgetting something; "I think for a moment; something should add up. There's something I can't remember. I feel like I am forgetting something. I think back to when I was rescuing people. I remember fainting for a second and carrying on, what happened then?"

The memory I see concludes those thoughts and all of what happened in that moment floods back into my brain. I watch Asher's memory as he sees me come around a corner and panic. He calls to one of his team members and they come up to me. I see me ready myself and the other super with Asher goes up to me with his hand outstretched.

Soon I see myself fall to the ground and they run away. They must've removed my memory and knocked me out before I found out that Asher was involved with them and helped set off the bomb. I get out of his head and slap him in the face. He hisses and the sound echoes throughout the room.

I quickly move on and pick another memory to look at. The next one is him standing in the dark room, the one in the memories of the other bad supers I've read. I go into this memory fully and soon it's as if I was right there. "What's our next step?" I hear myself ask the man standing before me.

"We need to get rid of their main supers", the man says and laughs. "I have a plan and I need you to do something."

"What is it?" I ask and wait patiently.

"I need you to get close with Heather", he says.

"Kaylee's friend?" I ask. "Why?"

"We're going to need her soon", the man says with a giggle. "You can do anything you want with her, just make her trust you enough to not suspect you when we kidnap her from your house."

"All good with me", I say and I smile. "I'll tell you once I've done that."

"Good", the man says. I watch as he reaches his hand up to take off the hood of his cloak. Asher's body stays calm but in my real body my heart beats faster and faster as his hand reaches up. I watch in anticipation as the man starts to take of his hood, about to reveal his face.

All of a sudden I'm wrenched out of the memory and thrown onto the floor. I look up at Asher in surprise as Lucas holds him still. He must've pushed me off, I was so close to seeing who it was. I stumble back to my feet and place my hand on Asher's head as Lucas hold him as still as he can.

I find the memory again and try to focus on the memory and not the wiggle head under my hand. I watch again as the man goes to take off his hood. I impatiently wait and it feels like forever before his hood is off. In place on his face is a black mask and I groan in annoyance. His two hands go to either side of the mask and start peeling it off his face.

I gasp as I see his smiling face. The face that I hate with a passion. His ugly mouth grins at me and I feel myself smile in Asher's body. His half bald head adds to his hideous looks, and I cringe at the look of accomplishment he has on.

I take my hand off Asher's head as I get out of the memory and land a punch to his jaw. "It was him?!" I yell and punch him again. "That psycho is your leader?!"

Lucas tries to hold me back as my anger comes flowing out. "Out of all people I can't believe you would follow such a nasty creep!" I shout and struggle out of Lucas' grip.

"Who was it?" Lucas asks, curious at my reaction.

"Their leader is..."

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