"You should be sorry," his nose flares in anger. He turns his attention to Grey who sits beside me, not knowing what to do. But his face is nowhere near happy. Dad's tone is far from how a father should talk to his daughter.

He's trying his best to not glare at dad.

"You, get the hell out of my house," dad points his finger in Grey's face which only irritates him more, "you goddamn punk."

Grey takes his time as he pulls his boots back on. Who knew Grey was a petty man?

"This is the guy? This lowlife?" dad sneers down at me and I shrink away.

Too scared to even defend Grey.

Why does everyone think so terribly about Grey? He's nothing like they think.

"Stay away from that child," not his daughter, but that child.

"She's not a fucking child," Grey sneers right back, standing up and looming over dad's 5'11 height.

"What gives you the right to curse at me in my own home?" dad tries to stand his ground.

"The same right that allows me to not give two shits," I wince at Grey's response.

"Get the fuck out of my house!" dad grows even more irate.

Grey looks back at me.

"I'll text you," he tells me before walking to my door.

"You will not!" dad demands and Grey turns around.

"Yes the fuck I will," he nearly growls out before leaving me and dad alone.

He's sober though. He won't hurt me, right?

"You are to never see him again. Where is your phone, give me it," he demands.

"I don't know," I lie. He can't take my phone. Grey said he'd text me, he can't take it.

"Don't you lie to me Azalea Carson," he glares.

"I really don't know," my voice comes out shakily, "it's been lost for a couple of days."

He walks closer to me threateningly.

"And don't you ever, try to tattle on me ever again," he gives me the meanest tone, one that sends my eyes watery.

"Okay," I whimper and he leaves, slamming my door harshly behind him.

And then I cry.


At this point in my life, I'm the furthest from alone I've ever been. But I'm also a liar and I keep things from the people most important to me.

So I feel alone.

My phone lights up with a call but I ignore it, having a feeling I know who it is.

Grey cares. He cares a lot and he's not the only one but I can't tell him about dad. I just can't.

I don't want to lose my father too. He'll get better.


Why is it that I don't want to let Grey worry, but at the same time, I'm making him worry by not answering him?

Why has my mind been so conflicted about everything?

I just want it all to stop.

I want to stop worrying about dad.

I want to stop worrying about what to do.

I want to stop feeling selfish about everything.

I want to stop thinking so much.

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