Chapter 19

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"Rye didn't you saw his number in the letter?" Jack asks, Rye nods and he reads the number to Brook. Rye went to Evie to try and talk to her. He loves her, she's his baby sister. Mikey felt bad and didn't know how Evie would react if she knew he was seeing someone for the last year.

Shawn's pov

I missed her, her scent were still lingering on my bed covers and the hoodie she always wore of me. I was sitting in the tour bus as we were heading for our next city when I got a call from an unknown number.

Me: Hello?
? : Is this Shawn?
Me: Who wants to know?
? : Its Brook, I'm one of Evie's friends.
Me: Is Evie okay?
Brook: Shawn, Evie is everything but okay. I need you to talk to her. Please.
Me: I will

I ended the call and called Evie.

Evie: Shawn?
Me: Hey Princess
Evie: I miss you...
Me: I miss you too, what's wrong?
Evie: I want to come home Shawn, I want to come home to you.
Me: I know baby girl, but please I want you to work things out with them. You can come back as soon as you do.
Evie: Promise me you'll take care of Romeo.
Me: Everyday, he's our baby.

Romeo is my and Evie's English Staffordshire Terrier puppy we got 6 months ago. After our call ended I decided to go to bed, Romeo were already sleeping on Evie's bed. I missed her soft breathing when she sleeps.

I couldn't sleep, I've been lying awake for the last 3 hours. Romeo then got up and came to me. He looked at me with sad eyes and I put a blanket over him. "I miss her too boy." I said before eventually drifting off to sleep.

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