I miss her so much

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-----------------------------------------------------Max's POV-----------------------------

It's been more than a year since Eleven moved away, and I've only seen her once. I can't wait for Christmas, I'll be able to finally see my best friend again. I remember all the fun we had shopping and having sleepovers. And then, Mike starting hanging out with her again. And then, she moved away. The thing is I've been discovering new things about me, I don't really like Lucas. I like girls, I like Eleven. That's why I haven't been spending much time with the group so much, because they'll hate me. I decide to go shopping to get El a present. I spent all day looking around, trying to find a present for Eleven, I want it to be perfect. I decided to get her a bunch of chocolates and candies, since she's probably haven't tried many of them. 

---------------------------------Eleven's POV-------------------------------------------

It's soon Christmas, I'll finally be able to see Mike, Max, Dustin, and Lucas. Even though Mike calls me nearly everyday, I still miss him. I also miss Max, I haven't been able to contact her much. I hear Joyce talking to Jonathan. Jonathan tells me that Will and I can come with him to shop for Christmas stuff. I wasn't sure what to get my friends, I've only gone shopping with Max before and that was for myself. I decide to just get some clothes for Mike. I got a scrunchie for Max since she gave hers to me. Less than a week till I see them, my friends.

(BTW sorry this is a short chapter, it's only the first one, and sorry if it takes a long time for the next few chapters to come out. Hope you are enjoying!)

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