Never had a friend like me

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I woke up with the sun in my face. I turned around to see Ray wsa still driving. We were not in an area I'd never been in before.

''Ray?'' I questioned. ''Yea?'' he replyed. ''Where are we?'' I asked him so confused. ''Welcome to New York.!'' he yelled in my face. I shot straight up and looked around. I saw nothing but water. ''Ray! Why you lie tho?'' I yelled. ''Look ahead, not around.'' I look ahead and there she was. Brooklyn, New York. We were currectly ont he Brooklyn bridge. The tall buildings and the many people confermed we were in New York.

''How did we get from Compton to Brooklyn so fast?'' He laughed before answering. '' You have been sleep for over 14 hours girl! I didn't wake you, I just drove.'' I thought for a second. ''Did you take a break?'' I said confused. ''Yes, I stoped to pee....'' I bursted into laughter as he pulled up at a tall building.

We both got out and read the sign. ''Talent Search.'' 

''Why are we here?'' I asked. ''See, when you were sleep, I made an appointment here for you to audition. The winner gets a 1Million dollar recording contract. I really believe you could win!.''  I rolled my eyes. ''I'll be luck to get in.'' I said walking through the big black doors.

My mouth fell open as I saw the big room. Even though it was empty, the sign of it was amazing. In my head, I pictured it filled with people, all of them raping my own lyrics back to me. Some fans reaching up onto the stage just to touch me. 




''Kay. Come on lets go.'' He said leading me onto the stage. ''Hello, and you are?'' a woman sitting at a table asked me. ''King Cobra.'' I told her. I'd be dammed to tell her my real name. I'm on the news for a murder rap remember? 

''Oh, and you will be?? Singing or'.''  ''Rapping and singing Ghetto Gospel.'' I told her. Her eyes lit up.'' I'm happy to hear youth still listen to the greatness of Tupac.'' She said. ''Best of luck.''

I stood back on the stage, looking across the room. The image of the grand room filled with people soon came back to me.  The screaming fans, taking pictures, accepting awards. That dream could become real. Here is my chance.

I'll take it.


Sorry for the typo's and the delay in updating. I re-done the cover photo, I love this one 10x more!

I know its a school night! I'm done with testing so.... Hey! Uploads!!!

Hope you like it, it gets better! Thanks my unicorn pets! 


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