Next to them, men and women where sniffing, while some of the women were half naked grinding on the men. 

I swallow as my eyes once again swing around the room. This time I'm met with a group of both men and women trading guns of different kinds. Polishing them, and laughing together as if someone had just said the most hilarious joke. 

It was as if I was sitting in -

"A den of criminals."

I turn my head towards Chloe to look at her in confusion.

"Why would you take me here?" I ask her bitterly, gripping the edge of the bar counter. I didn't like this place at all. It was the polar opposite to the atmosphere on the top deck, which was more slow paced, and elegant-like.

"To have fun and show you what the mafia is really about, and trust me, this isn't even an inch of it." She mutters before draining the remains of her pornstar. 

I look around the room again and cold shiver travels up my spine. 

A den of criminals.

I almost couldn't believe the level of criminality I was witnessing first hand – this place was like a strip club after dark. 

In this room, on this yacht, there were illegal guns and drugs by the hundreds, and I was certain that the police couldn't simply raid this place and arrest all these people because the mafia was a huge crime organization, that had, maybe half of the police division on their payroll.

They were immune to the threats of the police and as I finally took in my surroundings I came to realize up close and personal, what the mafia really was about. 

It was as if my senses sharpened in that instance. 

I could hear the smacking of lips and tongue as people throat fucked each other in a corner, the giggles of an intoxicated female and the boisterous laughter of a male, the crank of guns being reloaded or snapping open. 

It was all coming to me in a rush and suddenly it all became too overwhelming.

I couldn't come to terms with the reality of the life of the mafia so quick, after being thrust forward and exposed without warning. 

All along I had been living in the mansion, working from my monitors, I was never requested to visit any hardwares with the guys, and now I knew why. 

My head spun with all the new information my mind was processing. 

I couldn't get away from that reality fast enough, so I did the next best thing. Something I had sworn never to do because of how it affected my family.

I drank.

Blanco Brown - The Git Up 

My body was swaying to the beat of the loud music that pumped through the large stereos in the corner of the dark ballroom on the yacht.

I was heavily intoxicated and I didn't feel like I had a care in the world at that moment. For just one night, all my problems vanished, and it was amongst criminals.

Chloe and I had thrown back some really hard liquor like how Raphael throws back his vitamins, and I could feel the alcohol swimming in my veins – breaking down my barriers and allowing me to loosen up and have fun.

Chloe and I had taken to the dance floor within the first thirty minutes of drinking and so far only two hot males had had the reluctant privilege of dancing with me.

Dance, being a mild word. As soon as I started moving my hips and rolling my ass in a provocative manner that got them excited, downstairs – they started groping me in places I didn't want to be groped and I had to beat them off me with a proverbial stick.

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