First Dates - Part 2 (Royality)

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Roman and Patton had really been hitting it off. This had been one of the best dates that either of them had ever been on. Patton's bubbly personality and Roman's flamboyant nature made the two an almost picturesque damsel in distress and Prince Charming couple, with the exception being that Patton wasn't a damsel.

But, the two were having a great time, and their dinner table was one of warm smiles, heart flutters, and comfortable laughter. Roman and Patton took turns telling stories all night, with the other listening intently and laughing at all the right moments.

Honestly, Roman didn't think that this date could get any better unless—

"Your bill, sir." The waiter held out a little black leather folder that held the bill.

Roman reached out to take it and thank him. But, before Roman could even form the words, Patton piped up.

"Actually, his name is Roman."

Roman looked at Patton in surprise, who was now trying to hold back laughter. Roman reached forward and put his hand on Patton's.

"Marry me."

He was only half joking.

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