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"Nobody will ever like you! I bet thats why your dad purposefully got himself into jail and why your brother left you, to not see your stupid face anymore" my bully, Jane, said to me with a voice laced with hatred and disgust. I felt my eyes water but I held back the tears, I was not going to cry in front of them. "Awe is little itty bitty Y/N gonna cry? Let me give you something to cry for" she said and glanced at her two minions behind her. I knew what was about to happen, but I was already to tired from previously trying to run away from them.

They both smiled and walked over to me and began to punch and kick me until I fell to the floor.  I held in my tears despite being in immense pain. I gasped for air since I was starting to feel lightheaded, I suddenly felt my hair being pulled upwards and came face to face with Jane who was smirking at me. "I hope this teaches you a lesson Y/N, you're nothing but the daughter of a murderer. You're just a pitiful and worthless girl who everyone hates" she said before letting go of my hair. "Come on girls lets go" she said and left the alley I was in.

Once they left I started to cry, I cried for myself  and my family. I thought about how everyone had wronged my dad, they blamed him for arson and murder which he didn't commit. I remember the day they had taken him, I had just turned 10 years old and we were getting ready to leave to the pet store since I was going to get a dog for my birthday. We were about to leave when we heard heavy knocks and shouting coming from the door. My dad told me to go to my brother who was coming down the stairs to see what was going on. I remembered how the door opened and there were guns pointing at us, how my father was crying yelling at them to not hurt my brother and I. I wanted to run to him but my brother held me back. They had taken him and we went to go live with my aunt who was my mothers sister.

My mother, I cried harder remembering how she had died giving birth to me. I had never known her but my brother and dad would always tell me stories about her. How she was so kind and loving to everyone around her. Maybe that's why my brother had left me once he turned 18, because I just hurt everyone around me. I still remember my 13 year old self begging him not to leave me, to take me with him. He just smiled at me and told me he loved me before leaving me alone with my aunt. Alone. A feeling I have gotten used to by now.

I wiped off the tears on my face and saw my sleeve which was now wet and red since it had  mixed with the blood from the cut on my face. I suddenly felt something by my side and looked over to see a small cat, his white fur covered by dirt. "How long have you been here little one?" I said and it jumped on my lap looking up at me. Suddenly I heard what seemed at an attempted growl coming from the boxes and saw another small black cat with blue eyes hissing at the white one. The white  cat just looked at him and let out what seemed like a huff before looking back at me. "Is that other kitten your friend?" I said to the white cat who just jumped out of my lap and went next to the black cat. I assumed that was a yes.

I got up from where I was sitting slowly, feeling immense pain coming from my side. I'm sure that tomorrow morning I'll wake up to a huge bruise on my side. Once I was up I quickly put my hand on the wall to stop myself from falling of dizziness. I saw the white kitten then come up to where I was and started to cling onto my leg. I picked it up and it cuddled further I to my neck. I looked at the black cat and saw he was sitting on the same spot he had been. "Come here kitty I'm not going to hurt you, you don't have to be scared" I said to it and it slowly got up from sitting still glaring at me. I laughed and went over to pick it up. "Wow you're a bit heavy for a kitten aren't you?" I said to it earning another glare from the kitten in response.

"Well since you both don't have collars I assume you don't have a home so I'll take you two with me. We can be our own little family" I said to them and the white cat licked my face and meowed and the black cat cuddled into me. I smiled at them both and forgot about what had happened earlier. I lived alone  in a cozy apartment that I was able to afford and thinking about coming home finally with at least someone there made me happy. I knew they were just animals but to me that didn't matter. 

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