Naruto (Sauske love stroy)

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The little girl-------

This is my second attempt for a fan fiction for Naruto an I hope you enjoy!

No ones prov

Kakashi was staring down at the K.I.A. stone with complete sadness in his eyes. He had been there for hours and was going to be late to meet the Hokage for a new mission.

Running through the woods with torn cloths ran a little 6 year old with a big hoody covering her hair and eyes because at that moment she didn't care where she was running she just new that she needed to run.

She ran and ran for hours until she tripped and fell out of bushes into a clearing. She quickly got up, still unable to see and started running again until she fell out of exhaustion.

Kakashi's prov

I looked up because I heard someone coming, I readied myself to see what was coming when I saw a little girl stumble out of a bush with a hoody that covered her whole face. She just picked herself up and continued running, she probably didn't see me...she fell about 10 feet further. Concerned a little I walked up to her and lifted her hoody gently to have her jump about 3 feet in the air and when she looked up I widened my eyes in shock for the girl had red eyes that had the feel of a wild animal.

She stared at me with fear and I stared at her in shock and we had our little starring contest for a minuet before she just passed out. I quickly caught her before she hit the ground and picked her up and held her like a baby letting her hair fall down to my side. I stared at her for a little wondering what could she passingly be running from? And that look... it was wild like an animal... I quickly ran to the Hokages building trying to fugue out what he was going to do with her.

I knocked on the door holding her in one arm now letting her face burry in my vest and letting her arm hold me tightly while I supported her body with my arm. She quickly pulled the hoody over her head at re buried her face in my vest. "Come in," the Hokage said.

As I entered the room he looked at me curiously and I started filling him in before he could ask "I found her she was running in the forest and ended up at the K.I.A. stone."

"Very well then... what shall we do with her? he questioned Iruka who sat right next to him.

The little girls prov

When the big man took me to a big house he ran through hallways to a door, and when he knocked another scary mans voice came out so I covered myself feeling safer and when we entered he had a thingy in his mouth and puffed smoke. He said something scary like "Very well then... what shall we do with her?" He asked another scary man but he had a scar on his face that looked funny.

I snapped back realizing what he said and quickly jumped out of the masky's arms and rushed to a corner to hide. Hopefully they don't see me... I though to myself as I hugged my knees and rocked back and forth. Then Masky softly asked me "What are you running from?" I suddenly felt unsafe and I ran quickly into his legs hugging them and I mustered something and said "water?" My throat hurts...

The old man with a thing sticking out his mouth said "Get some water for the poor girl." to the funny scarred man while softening his expression at me. I can see through the hood a little... The funny Scarred man got up and brought me water from a thingy that was in the corner. I gulped it down in a second feeling it cool my throat.

Masky then asked me, again, "what were you running from?"

I shook a little at the thought of the snake. "A-a w-white s-s-nake." Just what I said sent me cowering, and I squeezed his legs more. In return he put his hand on my hoody-covered head. This makes me feel safe... The old guy talked to Masky about something then Masky bent down to my height and said nicely "I'm going to take your hood off sot the Hokage can see you,its going to be fine" he said as he lifted my hood off and ruffled my hair. He then spoke softly again while rubbing my head "Now go say hello to the Hokage" and he pointed to the old man

I looked up at him with fear as he stood up and gestured me to go. I slowly walked over keeping my face down trying not to cry because I lost the feeling of safety. When I reached to old man that was behind a big desk I looked up and he smiled warmly at me. It makes me happy... I whipped the tears that threatened to fall away and continued to stare him down when suddenly he made the most funny face I've seen! I started to giggle madly and fell to the floor, rolling, still giggling.

Hokage's prov

I had looked the girl in the eyes and immediately saw the red, but I also noticed the insecurity she was feeling so I smile at her warmly. she whipped away some tears and I decided to brighten the mood and made a face that always made my baby grand-son laugh. I watched her giggle madly on the floor. So... she does have a laugh...

"Ok Iruka get adoption papers, for a grandchild, I will take her in as my own." I ordered when I noticed that her giggles stopped I looked at her and I couldn't help but soften my expression.

She was crying, "Old man... are you really taking me in?" she asked me with a lot of hope in her voice.

"Yes... yes I am, you are now officially my granddaughter." I said with a huge smile. She then grinned from ear to ear with tears of joy rolling down her cheeks. She quickly jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly and I hugged back, gently because I could tell that she was injured.

She quickly looked over to Kakashi and said "Is Masky going to be my uncle?" Kakashi pointed to himself and she nodded then his expression softened a gem rear deal.

"Yeah, sure... I'll be your uncle." he said and I nodded in approval.

"We need to get you some new cloths, we also need to take a look at you cuts to make them feel better." I looked at her and poked her on the forehead gently, she giggled softly and nodded her head yes. "Kakashi, would you do that errand for me?" Kakashi nodded. He then slowly walked to her. She jumped up into his arm and she hugged his side letting herself sit on his arm. "Layla." she said pointing to herself, I smiled at the small gesture.

As they walked out I noticed her pull her hoody up to cover her hair and eyes.

***Time skip 5 years***

No ones prov

"Hey! are you ready for the academy!" A voice rang trough the building. A girl that was frantically running around, putting cloths on stopped and yelled back "YEAH!!!" she quickly pulled the black hood, from her new hoody she bought yesterday, over her head and ran out of the room.

She stopped in front of the Hokage and said in a frantic tone "Hey, G-pa! Please give me my swords!" The Hokage turned around holding both swords in one hand.

"Your wearing your new hoody and your new pants." he said looking at her she had a plain white hoody with black skinny jeans that went down to her a ankles and scrunched, she had white tenishoes with black laces and black fingerless gloves, with a light blue shirt that poked out a little. "Here you go." He handed her two swords with a smile. She quickly strapped them to her back and ran out of the building towards the school.

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