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Layla's prov

I was surprised when G-pa and Kakashi didn't find me.... I woke up to hubs..... nope doesn't work I'll just call him Puppy.... no I think Kiba is fine....

I woke up to him sitting up leaning his head over the top of the couch... I guess I kinda did that to him.... sorry! I looked at him and I got up and made the only thing I know how to, Dumplings!

I woke Kiba up by popping a dumpling in his mouth he blinked multiple times before starting to eat it.

"I'm gonna head back to my gramps place." I gave him a smile.

"Are you sure? I mean they might have not cooled down." Kiba said stuffing his face and giving Akamaru some.

"I think I'll be fine." I grabbed three dumplings and left. when I got there I immediately handed g-pa two dumplings and he forgave me.

"So, Kiba huh?" he asked while chewing.

"Hey! you where spying with your ball!" I turned my back on him with a huff.

"Any way are you doing the chunin exams?" He asked looking serious.

"Yeah I know that if I don't go then they would have to wait a year, I also want to see if I'll pass." I told him.

"Okay, I gave the others a little test and they passed setting Iruka at ease." I cocked my brow at him.

"Kay! see ya I gotta go!" I yelled before flashing Into the chunin exam rooms.

Sakura was late and when we got there a kid in stupid clothing was kicked down in front of the Door to the second floor.

Two Jonin disguised as genin where at the door. throwing insults...

"Ok that's it." I said as he hit a girl. I walked up to him and said "I don't get what your doing here? I mean is gramps testing us?" I asked them and they smirked.

"Great now let me threw." Sauske said. "and while you at it-" I cut him off on a whim and finished his sentence "please release the genjutsu."

People muttered, I didn't listen, other things happened. and I ended up holding the Jonin's foot while the weirdly dressed dude held Sauske's.

"I don't get the point I you stupid Jonin here," I said irritated and I twisted his leg twirling him then let go of his foot.

He looked at me and left after getting up of corse. He asked Sakura out and she denied him.

He was huddling in his depressed corner thing and I walked over and said "Well there's always a second chance right, and at least you don't get chased by your grandpa and uncle for 7hr's every time you mention you dating." I gave him a closed eye smile. I saw almost everybody give me a sweat drop then I joined him in his depression.

"I ran for my life for 7hrs... it was terrifying... imagine a Jonin and the Hokage chasing you with scary faces... I nearly died..." I said as Naruto joined us. We just muttered our complaints.

We then left.

***Im getting a little lazy at this time so Time skip***

After lee was scolded by guy, guy said "do I know Kakashi, people might say that I'm his eternal rival!"

"No way!" my team retorted....

Lee started arguing about respect "Uh guys... Guy is Kakashi's rival... I know it's shocking but guy is great at taijutsu..." I told them an they all looked at me in shock.

He appeared behind us and I said "Hey guy?" he looked at me and then I continued "Well you have to go the register. And... I was wondering... if you could train me in the break before we do the last section?" he looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah I can do that." He said/yelled with a thumbs up.

***another time skip because i lazy***

Kakashi sent us in with a morale speech when we entered we saw everyone. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes in thought.

So... the main problems are Lee, Neji, Gaara, and a few others that I can sense there strength radiate off them.

I opened one eye to see everybody there. When I spotted Kiba I jumped on his back and said "Heeey theeerrreee puppy dog!"

He looked up at me, smirked an said "Weirdo."

"I still have my curse in play ya know, I've been cursing you for the 7hrs I had to run from my gramps and Kakashi too." I said back equally serious.

We both broke out laughing. Akamaru had a barking fit on Kiba's head. I looked at his hood and hopped off. they had the whole 'well-look-who's-here' thing while I leaned back on my wall and just listened blanking my mind of thought.

"Hey, you guys. You might wanna try keeping it down a little. I mean no of fence but your the nine rookies right?" I flinched at his voice but stayed on the wall. "I wouldn't go making a spectacle of yourself. just cool it. this isn't a class field trip. I broke into a nervous sweat.

Sauske's prov

I watched this new guy and my gaze then landed on Layla and she seemed as if trying to hide herself. I watched her uncomfortable form as she broke into a nervous sweat.

I narrowed my eyes at her and she popped open one eye. I looked into her eye and it screamed the word fear. I looked to Kiba and he didn't notice....TCHT!!!! what kind of boyfriend doesn't notice when his girlfriends eyes screened fear or the fact that she was literally hiding herself or the fact the she was in an uncomfortable posture.

When this Kabuto saw Layla his whole aura became deeply serious and evil. She opened her other eye and walked to Kiba. "Um... Kiba, I'll be in the restroom..." she looked at Kiba and he looked at her and had a mutual understanding and I walked to the restroom.

They stood outside there door and she was crying into his chest he kept asking what was wrong but she would just shake her head.

I watched this until I was annoyed at her I walked out of the restroom and said "ya know, people need to communicate." I said and walked past them and back into the waiting room and Kabuto told me about Gaara and lee.

Layla's prov

We walked back and were right outside the door with Kakashi when we heard Naruto yell "I'm gonna beat you all BELIEVE IT!"

I smiled and nodded to Kakashi as we walked back in. Kabuto was looking annoyed....K-Kabuto... I-is... I clung to Kiba. As we walked to join the group.

"H-hey... I'm La-" he cut me off with "I know who you are." I froze at his voice.

"I-is h-he-" he cut me off again saying "maybe." the only people who noticed this exchange where Sauske, Kiba, and Naruto.

A sound ninja attacked Kabuto but ad he got hit with the sound wave things.

Ibiki appeared and led us to the first exam.

I was seated next to Gaara and Kiba. Ibiky told us the rules and then finally yelled "START!"

The demon girl (Sauske love stroy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon