The Girl Who Wasn't Defeated

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"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated." - Maya Angelou.

Once long ago there was a young little village girl that was known as the outcast. Everyone in the village hated her because of her ability to see the other side. No matter where she went she could see both worlds. The spirits of the other side and the people of the living. She was beaten and put down by many of the town's children. Even her own mom hated her for her ability. As she grew older things only got worse. Her ability to see the other side grew as she grew.

One day she decided enough is enough. She packed what she needed and fled the village. Just as she left the village she could see a bright blue shimmering gray and white wolf. The little girl looked at the wolf in a puzzled way. She had never seen this type of dog before.

"Don't look at me like that girl! here to help you through your adventure ahead!" said the wolf.

"Okay, thanks? I'm Emily by the way" said the girl

"Nice to meet you, Emily, I'm Lycan!" said the wolf. Emily walked towards the wolf and the two walked to the forest ahead. Emily stopped just outside of the forest and turned back to look at the village.

"Pikro! I might not be able to stand up for myself now but someday I will return!" said Emily as she stared at the village before turning back towards Lycan.

"Let's go," said Lycan as he laid down.

"Right!" said Emily as she climbed on his back before the two took off into the forest.

Many years went by as the two just randomly traveled around. Emily got stronger and could now control her ability to see spirits. At first, it was hard to learn how too but over time she figured it out. Lycan was a big help but he knew he had to tell Emily the truth about him soon.

"Emily I need to tell you something" he called to her.

"Yes Lycan?" she asked.

"Emily we need to head back to your home village. I'm fading and soon you'll be out here all alone" he answered.

"Your a spirit aren't you?" she asked.

"Yes I am" he answered.

Emily nodded and packed up. She climbed back onto his back and he ran all the way back to the village. Just on the outskirts of the forest, Emily climbed off of Lycan. She took a deep breath and walked to the village. Lycan was not far behind. No one could see Lycan but they all could see Emily.

"Who are you?" asked a girl who stepped in front of Emily.

"Eww what is she wearing?" said another from in front behind the girl.

"She looks like she's been living in the forest!" said another girl.

"I'm Emily and I've been away from some time because of how you all treated me. Now if you don't mind I'd like to go see my mom!" said Emily pushing past the girls.

The girls stood there dumbfounded. The girl who they picked on as children were back and had a very short temper now. Emily walked to her house and knocked on the door. A tall woman with black hair and blue eyes similar to Emily's answered the door. Emily explained who she was and the women hugged her.

"I thought you left because you had been repeatedly defeated but now I see you weren't defeated and never will be," said her mom. Emily cried and went inside with her mom.

"Take care, Emily! You made my last bit of time on this planet worth it daughter" said, Lycan, as he shifts into a man with blonde hair just like Emily's and green eyes. He then disappeared into the air.

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