Past Memories Are Forgiven (Part 2)

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In the last story:

"Yes of course!" I said and with that, he left for class.

I'm doing better in life but the memory of Laurance and I sitting in that tree just watching the sunrise stays in my mind. If he and I are ever to be friends again it won't be until a long time.

Present Time:

"Alright I'll be there soon!" said a young brown hair fresh out of high school girl on the phone as she drove into a parking lot.

"Alright just making sure you're still coming," said a voice on the other end of the phone as she pulled into a parking spot.

"Of course I am and I'll see you soon!" said the girl getting out of her car and opening her trunk.

"Wait are you in the parking lot?" asked the other person as she grabbed her suitcase and backpack.

"Yep I'll be up to our dorm in a minute," she said hanging up as she closed her trunk and walked to the front door of the dormitory. She got her key and went up to the fourth floor to find room 243. She unlocked the door to see a shirtless dark brown-haired boy.

"Ryo put a shirt on!" she yelled covering her sky blue eyes.

"Sorry! Don't smack me please!" he yelled digging into his dresser for a shirt. He found a black one and slipped it on, "You can open your eyes now."

"Now that that's over with I'm going to set up," she said, putting her stuff on her bed.

"Alright, Lisanna! But I have to got to work. School starts next week" said Ryo heading out the door with his keys in hand.

Lisanna unpacked her books and put them on her bookshelf along with her family photo and her and Ryo's photo making a silly face. She then put her clothes in her dresser and hung up her winter coat in the closet. Finally, she put her keys and wallet in the nightstand drawer. On top is a picture of Lisanna's two high school best friends and another picture of Ryo and her with Laurance when they were younger.

Ring, ring!

It was her phone going off. Lisanna looked at the caller and saw it was her cousin Lucinda, so she answered the call.

"Hey, girl! I heard you and Ryo are sharing a dorm since you go to the same college" said the girl on the other end.

"Yeah, we are. Were both going to Northern Michigan University" replied Lisanna sitting on the couch.

"Nice. I know you don't want to hear it but I believe Laurance goes to that school as well" said Lucinda.

"It's fine and thanks for letting me know" answered Lisanna. The two girls called until Lisanna decided to go out and look for a job.

*Time skip: A month into College*

(Lisanna's Point of view)

I just started walking back to Ryo and mines dorm. The day is actually wonderful right now. Nice warm wind, flowers blossoming, no fighting, and no drama. I have to say I might like it here at college. I know things haven't been the best and not everything is fixed in my life but I've moved on without fixing them. Laurance and I are still not talking but that's okay. It was ten years ago now so I'm over it.

"Watch out!" yelled someone and next thing I know I was on the ground.

"Moore! I told you to watch where you were going!" yelled a girl's voice as my vision came back from black.

"Sorry, ma'am" I heard a males voice from above me and weight lift off my back.

"Lisanna!" I heard Ryo yell as I could see the sidewalk now.

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