Jungkook chuckles and pecks Coral on the cheek to tease Jimin even more.

An idea seems to have suddenly struck Jimin's mind as he turns to look at Aurora with glowing eyes and a mischievous smile, "Since we're both single, do you want to... maybe... hook up?"

Aurora chuckles, "I'm good, thanks."

Jimin groans as we chuckle at him.

"Why can't you just give me a chance?" Jimin whines and puts on a sulky expression, probably feeling hurt that Aurora just rejected him. "Aren't I attractive?"

"I can't deny and say you're not, but I'm just not interested," Aurora replies with a shrug.

"You can't force her to date you," I say and Jimin pouts even more. "Besides, why do you even want a girlfriend, when you're a player who's sleeping with a dozen girls?"

"Didn't you tell me you hooked up with this cute girl named Vanessa the other day?" Jungkook adds.

"Vanessa's cute, but I'm not the only guy she's hooking up with," Jimin rolls his eyes. "I guess I want to try something more serious, instead of occasional hookups."

"Luna, help me," Jimin suddenly begs with sad eyes. "Taehyung says you're good with advice, so can you give me some advice?"

Luna smiles, "I'll just tell you this: if you're looking for a serious relationship, you've got to focus on only one girl, instead of a dozen. You'll meet her eventually, it's just a matter of timing and fate. You just have to wait and you'll know when you've met the right girl when you feel some sort of connection towards her. Love isn't easy, it'll come when it wants to."

We're quietly looking at her and Jimin nods his head slowly, "Ok... but... fate? Is that even real?"

"Fate brought me and Taehyung together," Luna replies and gazes at me with a smile and I smile back at her, before giving her a quick peck on her soft lips.

I can't help but feel a pair of eyes staring at me and I turn to look at Aurora, who's looking at me with a sort of sadness in her eyes. I'm confused, but I choose to ignore the look she's giving me and listen to Luna as she advises Jimin.

"Do you feel that you have a connection between any of the girls you've hooked up with?" Luna asks.

"When did my birthday party become a time for relationship counselling?" Jungkook interjects with slight annoyance in his tone.

"Sorry," Jimin replies, but decides to continue his conversation with Luna, even though Jungkook is rolling his eyes. "I guess I kind of feel a somewhat stronger connection with this Japanese girl, named Sakura. Yet, Nara makes me feel a type of way as well... and Vanessa too, she's super kind... they're all really nice girls... this is hard..."

Jimin sighs and gulps down a glass of beer, then rests his chin on the table and plays with the empty glass.

"You could talk to them? Like a proper conversation, to see how they feel about you," Luna suggests.

"I think it's time for some cake," Jungkook offers, as he's desperate for Jimin to stop moping about his love life and consulting Luna for advice.

Coral stands up to get the cake from the kitchen and she places the beautiful cake in the middle of the table. The cake is glazed with a pastel blue icing and the words 'Happy Birthday Jungkook!' is swirled with chocolate on top, along with whipped cream on the sides of the cake. Aurora turns off the lights and uses a lighter to light up the single candle in the centre of the cake.

Once we finish singing the birthday song, Jungkook clasps his hands in front of him with a wide grin on his face, then closes his eyes to make a wish, before blowing out the candle in one go. We clap our hands delightedly and Luna offers to slice the cake for us.

The cake is a vanilla flavour and is soft and spongey in my mouth, the texture is so cloud-like and it seems as though everyone else would agree that the cake is incredibly delicious, as smiles of satisfaction appear on their faces.

"This is the most delicious cake I've ever eaten," Jungkook says joyfully as he stuffs the forkfuls of cake into his mouth. "Thanks, babe, and Aurora too."

Aurora nods as Coral pecks Jungkook's cheek. Aurora seems to be staring at Luna and I again when I feed Luna a forkful of cake.

"I'm jealous of you guys..." Jimin moans and Jungkook rolls his eyes, as he's had enough with Jimin's whining.

The rest of us giggles, all except Aurora.

I wonder what's gotten into her. Why does she keep looking at Luna and I with sad eyes? Is she jealous of us, like Jimin?

"Is everything alright, Aurora?" I finally have the courage to ask her and she seems slightly startled. "You've been staring at Luna and I for quite a while, and it's honestly making me feel a little uncomfortable."

We all turn our attention to Aurora and she gulps nervously as she squirms in her chair, "N-nothing. I'm fine."

"Are you sure...?" I ask as she seems to be uncertain and tense.

"I'm sure," she assures me, but though she says that, I can't seem to dismiss the thought that she's jealous of Luna and I.

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