~ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 5 ~

Start from the beginning

Tears of fear filled her eyes and Tommy held a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet so no loud sobs where to betray her and make a noise.

More gunshots rang out causing one of the men to load their rifle.

"No! Then they'll know we're in here!" Tommy protested.

"Why else are they shooting at us?"

"Look at the grouping, target practice." He whispered.


Four gunshot holes are now placed on the side of the ship, whilst everyone sat around away from where the bullets are being littered. The sea could now be heard crashing against the side of the boat and Lila's emotions have now calmed down whilst Tommy continues to comfort her with his arm resting on top of her shoulders.

Water could be heard trickling through the holes causing everyone to look up and see water pouring through them. One of the soldiers went up to plug the holes but another bullet shot through the wall and pierced his skin causing screams to emit from his lips.

Soldiers rushed to put a hand over his mouth as Lila rushed forwards to help as another shot went through the wall, she felt the sharp stab in her side and bit her lip to stop any noise from coming out of her mouth and saw blood coming out almost instantly and placed a hand over the wound to try and cover the damage from the soldiers.

"Lila?" A voice called out gaining her attention.

"I'm good." she lied and stumbled forwards to help the soldier who continued to yell in pain and was being shushed by his fellow soldiers who feared their life would be on the line from all the noise being made.

"We have to plug it." Lila overheard Alex state.

"Yeah after you mate."

More shots rang through Lila's ears as she ducked over the casualty that lays below her moaning in pain causing more water to poor into the boat at a rapid pace.


"Ready, go!" Two men continued to barge into the side to push the boat off of the ground as an attempt to get moving as the boat rapidly fills up with water.

Lila now sits down in the corner, her face a deathly pale colour from the blood loss yet no one has seemed to notice, her hands trembled and her vision going blurry. She could feel herself swaying even though she's sat on the floor, the groaning mans noises seemed to have been blocked out from the ringing in her ears and she feared that soon she wouldn't be conscious.

She had used all the spare soaked bandages from her pockets for the injured man laying on the floor and the salt water splashing up at her  made the wound on her side feeling like she's being stung by 100 bees at the same time.

"How do we get off? Do we need to ditch some ballast?" Alex's voice rang throughout the boat whilst he looked around with panic filled eyes.

"Weight! Do we need to lose weight?!" Someone translated for the Dutchman.

"Weight, weight, yes."

Alex's crazed eyes searched around the boat. He searched everyone's eyes and he saw Lila sat in the corner of the boat and furrowed his eyebrows, but he was so driven by desperation that he just brushed it off.

𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔  - 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now