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~Jahsehs Pov

"Stoookeleyyyyyy" I jumped on the bed to wake him

"I'm sleepinggg" he whined

"I know but get upppp"
I climbed on top of him and placing a kiss on his lips

"I missed you waking me up with kisses" he smiled and then wrapped his arms around me

"Nuhuh let me go let's get up" I wiggled trying to get out of his grip

"Make me bacon and eggs?"

"Only if you let me go and get up"
He sighed and then let me go, we both got up
He went to the bathroom to do his little morning routine while I went to the kitchen to make his food

There isn't really a reason I woke stokes up, I guess I just wanted him up while I'm still in the house
I'm going by rawhools in a little while so I probably should've just let him sleep but I wouldn't be Jahseh if I wasn't annoying

I cracked the eggs open and put them in a bowl so I can mix them up while the pan gets hot

"You know, we've been talking about moving for a while but never did" stoke says walking into the kitchen by me

"Yeah cause we broke up, we should move soon though I don't like this house anymore"

"You don't like anything or anyone anymore"

"Liar, I like you" I rolled my eyes

We talked while I finished cooking his food, and made his plate. I'm not going to eat right now I ate a little while before I woke him up
I've been up for a while thinking about how lucky I am to have Stokeley back. I'm lucky as fuck

"I'm going by rawhools house then coolies, should I pick you up before going by coolies or do you wanna come with now?"

"Why are you going by rawhools? Why can't he go to coolies?"

"I just wanna talk to him, I wanna tell him we're back together so if he sees us kiss or something it doesn't surprise him"
We didn't tell anyone we got back together. We just pretended like the talk didn't go well, we didn't speak to eachother the entire time we were with coolie and nick
Then a few hours after I left he came to my house, we had lots of sex and then we went to sleep
I'm happy to have my boyfriend back

"He likes you or something?" He asks

"Or something yeah"

"You like him?"

"I love you Stokeley, I'll see you later" I kissed his forehead and walked away. I'm just gonna leave him thinking, he deserves to put a little thought into something for once and I know me not answering that question is going to make him think a lot

Do I like rawhool? Yes but am I going to continue fucking with rawhool? No. That's why I'm telling him me and Stokeley are back together. So he don't try and kiss me or anything and gets his ass beat by Stokeley wild ass

We didn't plan on being together, but we definitely kissed a lot. And fucked a few times, had a heart to heart conversation multiple times but that doesn't mean we were going to be a thing
He fucked Stokeley too so

I just got my boyfriend back, I'm not going to tell him I like another nigga and risk him being upset enough to leave

-time skip to rawhools

He stepped aside and let me in. I hope this conversation doesn't turn into an argument or anything. I don't think it will because he knew me and Stokeley were probably going to get back together eventually
I told him multiple times that I didn't want him catching feelings and he said he wouldn't
But he had feelings long before we fucked so there wasn't any avoiding that

"So um I wanted to tell you something" I say awkwardly sitting down
"Stokeley and I are back together, I just wanted you to hear it from me because we had that little thing or whatever but that thing has to end now"

"Oh okay I guess If you're happy I'm happy" he shrugged and slouched back

"I like you rawhool, and I appreciate you being here when I need you"

"Don't tell me you like me Jahseh, that'll just make me want you and you're with Stokeley so I can't want you. I'll always be here, we're friends thank you for telling me you guys are back together. I hope you guys last" he looked over and smiled at me

"Take nick out on a date"
They should just date now, I don't care about anything that happened they'd be cute together.
And he'll be taken, which means he'll stop liking me cause I'm definitely going to stop liking him

"Nick don't want me"

"Better make him want you, just go up to him and shove your tongue down his throat" I chuckled

"I am not that bold" he shook his head laughing a bit

"You'd be bold if you'd stop over thinking"
He's bold with me, probably just because he's comfortable with me. But I'm going to keep telling him to kiss nick until he does it

** one more boring filler chapter😭

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