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~Jahsehs pov

Stokeley and I just went to look at houses
We didn't like any of the houses we seen today and we called around we have more houses to look at tomorrow afternoon

Now we're about to go to coolies house as we do everyday but we're drinking tonight
We haven't all sat down and got drunk together in a while

Stoke pulled into the gas station "want anything?" He asks

"Lime hot Cheetos"
He set his phone down on the seat and closed the door, his phone lit up so I looked over

I had fun last night, thank you baby❤️

I opened the messages and started scrolling through this isn't stokes aunt. He lied to me?

It's some boy and his name isn't Nicky it's nick
And they've been flirting
He went to go out with another boy last night?
I seen him walking out of the gas station
I locked his phone and set it back down quickly before he could see me

"Here's your chips" he handed me the bag
I snatched the bag from him

"What's wrong with you?" He asks

"Nothing" I said blankly

He started driving, I'm not going to tell him that I know right now
I feel like I want to cry and I don't think I'll be able to hide that for very long

I wonder how long he's been talking to whoever this nick nigga is
I would say he's not even cute but the picture he sent stokes was cute, he is cute which kills me even more
Did they sleep together yesterday? Or kiss?
Was it just a friendly date? But if it was why didn't he tell me about it

I was quiet the rest of the ride
We walked into coolies house everybody was there like always
Gazzy, rawhool, tank, and coolie of course

I sat on the couch in between Ool and coolie, put my hood on and put my arms inside of my hoodie crossing then and leaning back

"What's wrong with you?" Rawhool asked quietly as he leaned back. I looked at stoke and Gazzy who were laughing and paying no attention to me

"I think he's cheating on me" I whispered

"Stokeley I-" I put my hand on ools mouth "No sh" I said removing my hand

"What's going on" stoke asks

"Nothing" I covered my face with my hoodie

"It's clearly something"

"Stokeley stop talking to me"

"Coolie fix him before I choke his ass" stoke said

"Nigga he needs to fix you not me ain't shit wrong with me" I sat up

"Jahseh what is wrong with you?"

"Wanna tell me who Nicky is?" I ask calmly

"I told you that's my auntie"



i had to stop being mad for a second and laugh
Did this nigga really just say that and run away

"I don't know what the fuck you think you know but you don't know shit, me and nick went out to eat and then I came home to you. You jahseh my boyfriend I didn't forget I have a boyfriend it's kinda hard to forget when you're up my ass all the time"

Gazzy ran back in with a bag of chips "I couldn't find popcorn or tea but I got the chips, What'd I miss?"

"You called him baby, he called you baby you were flirting with him you told him he was cute and you called it a fucking date and you don't think I should be upset about that You still lied to me Stokeley did you kiss him?"

"Yes, I kissed him more than once" he answered honestly

"Dayymmnnn" Gazzy said crunching on the chips even louder

"Did you fuck?"

"Almost but I stopped it before it could go to far"
And there goes my heart

"And I oop" Gazzy added
I'm tryna be mad and Gazzy making me want to laugh and now I don't know if I wanna be mad cry or laugh

"Guys let's give them some privacy" rawhool said, everyone stood up

"No y'all can stay, whatever we had is done now we're done. If he can almost fuck somebody else he doesn't love me enough because if he did he wouldn't of even thought about going out with somebody else and he definitely wouldn't of kissed him" I said in a normal voice

"No nigga we aren't done you're just finding excuses to run from me like you've done since the second you started liking me it's always something with you Jahseh you can't commit and you haven't been able too this entire relationship" Stokeley snapped then got this angry facial expression and began walking towards me but both tank and rawhool jumped in between us

"Yes we are, now we are Stokeley going out as a friend wouldn't of been a problem but you almost fucked him and that's what I can't deal with I can't do the cheating. rawhool can you take me home?" I asked, my voice cracking

"Damn stoke he leaving you" Gazzy shoves more chips in his mouth

"Gazzy shut yo annoying ass up" coolie laughed

Stokeley really just hurt my feelings
First kissing nick then he had the nerve to tell me I can't commit and I'm always running from him
I ran in the beginning but if I can't commit I wouldn't of stayed with him

I wouldn't of let him stay at my house everyday and night we basically live together but I can't commit right?
I think he's the one with issues
He's the one who almost fucked somebody else

And maybe I over reacted but maybe I didn't
From experience I know if someone cheats once will easily do it again and my heart can't take it
I had to deal with the cheating before and I won't do it again
And now it's over I'm callin the quits

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