20. He'll Make You Do Things You'll Regret

Start from the beginning

"But you're a girl," Oli comments, sounding slightly confused. It's funny how little kids can be so puzzled by normal human interactions. 

Before I can reply, Daniel returns and flicks his brother across the forehead. "I hope this little guy wasn't bothering you too much," he says to me. 

"Not at all," I assure him, sending a quick smile in Oli's direction. The little boy runs off after that, giving Daniel and I the chance to talk. 

"So, since we don't have to work today, do you wanna  hang out, or something?" My words come out sounding kind of jumbled and awkward, much to my dismay. 

"Sure," Daniel replies casually, taking a seat next to me. "There's supposed to be a street fair on Northern Boulevard today. Maybe we could check it out?" 

"Yeah, that sounds cool." I'm not really a street-fair type of girl, but I decide that it's better than nothing. 

"I'll ask my dad if I can borrow the car," he says, standing up. "We could leave in half hour or so." 

"I mean, if that's alright with you," he adds. 

I smile. "Sounds good. Let's meet downstairs in thirty?" 

He agrees, and I think to myself, looks like I do have a friend, after all. 


After meeting in our apartment building lobby, Daniel and I head down the block to where his grey mustang is parked. 

"You're so lucky that your parents let you drive," I comment, as I climb into the passenger's seat. 

"They trust me, I guess," he replies, putting the key in the ignition, "I wish they trusted me with other things." 

"Your parents seem really cool though." 

Daniel winces slightly at my comment. "My mom's kind of embarrassing." 

"Mine too," I tell him, "I think it's a mom thing." 

He laughs a little, while setting up the GPS on the dashboard. I hope he knows where we're going. Guys are supposed to have a better sense of direction than girls do, anyway. 

Once we start driving, Daniel turns on the radio and Maps by Maroon 5 pours out of the speakers. "I love this song," I say, as I turn the volume up.

We basically jam out to whatever comes on for the next ten minutes or so, until an Ed Sheeran song starts to play and it gets awkwardly quiet. 

"How's your friend?" Daniel asks suddenly, catching me off guard. 

"Who, Melanie? I haven't really talked to her since the other day," I recall sadly. 

"Maybe you should." 

Of course, I want to. But I'm embarrassed with myself for defending Ryder, and sorry for being so mean to her about it. Mel clearly hasn't forgotten all the shit he put April through, and she just wanted to prevent the same thing from happening to me. I should've just listened to her. Then maybe I wouldn't be so hurt by the fact that Ryder is still in love with Nicolette. 

I really should have seen that one coming. 

"I will," I say simply, "eventually." 

"Have you told the guy you like him yet?" 

"What, ptsh-no!" I exclaim, a little too enthusiastically. I prop my elbow up on the armrest beneath the window and sigh. "He likes someone else, anyway." 

"Are you positive?" Daniel asks. 

"Yeah, I mean, I heard it from a pretty reliable source." It would be one thing to hear the rumor from a jealous ex, but his sister? I'm not sure it gets more reliable than that. 

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