"Why don't you three go gossip at the table?" Arthur joked at him, pointing towards the table Micah was usually found at and yelling at the other gang members. Micah gave Arthur a cold look before turning away, Cleet and Joe close behind him like lost puppies. 

"What the hell was that, Morgan?" Bill demanded, stomping up to Arthur's side. Javier hovered behind him, keeping an eye on Bill. 

"He's a goddamn fool, how can you not see it?" Arthur pointed towards Micah and his minions. Bill shook his head like Arthur was talking crazy.

"You've gone soft," Bill muttered before marching off. Javier watched as Bill marched away, grabbing his gun for guard duty on the way out. 

"And what about you?" Arthur questioned Javier, taking a step to him to approach the man. Javier's attention turned to Arthur. "Where do you stand in all of this."

"I ain't so sure," Javier answered, his voice stern. 

"What's that suppose to mean?" Arthur asked, finding his answer not acceptable.

"It means whatever you want it to mean," Javier answered before giving him a final look before walking away. Arthur watched as Charles said something to John before John walked away, returning to his family. Charles joined Arthur and the two immediately began to walk away together, heading towards Pearson's wagon. 

"Bill seems pretty shaken up over this whole thing. He's had a go at John and I already," Charles informed. 

"Bill's a fool for not seeing Micah for what he is," Arthur sighed, shaking his head. "And sounds like to me Javier isn't sure on who to believe."

"Meaning we could still get to him," Charles insisted. Arthur nodded.

"Maybe but if we push too hard on him he might snap," Arthur agreed which Charles nodded in understanding. "Grace isn't back yet so I'm suspecting Micah or the Pinkertons have something to do with it."

"Okay. I'll keep an ear out and let you know if I hear anything," Charles promised once again before he parted away from Arthur. Arthur was immediately met by Abigail as she marched over to him, her face covered with worry.

"Who those two creepy fellers over with Micah?" She immediately asked. She quickly looked back at Jack who was sitting outside of the Marston's tent with John, the boy watched the three men with fear.

"Two guns he knows," Arthur grunted, giving the three men who have already made themselves at home at the rectangular table. 

"What the hell they doing here?" Abigail questioned, confused to why they were here. Arthur wish he understood why exactly they were here too but he didn't. 

"I have no idea," he answered honestly. Abigail sighed as she squeezed her eyes shut, taking a deep breath before speaking again.

"Arthur, I'm real scared, this..." Abigail paused as a lump built up in her throat before she quickly calmed herself down. "This ain't good."

"You're gonna be okay, but be ready. Just... be ready," Arthur ensured her, giving her some sort of relief to the situation. Abigail nodded at him.

"I understand," She stated before turning away and heading back to her son. Arthur stood there where Abigail had left him, pondering about Cleet and Joe. He was curious to why they were actually here, the gang didn't need extra guns, they managed to fight fine at Lakay. Everyone here was already a good gun, two extras wouldn't have mattered. 

Maybe it's time to confront him.


Later that night Arthur had discussed with Charles, John and Sadie whether he should confront Arthur or not. They all agreed he should. Arthur made a plan that he would get Micah away from Cleet and Joe, take him down in the cave since no one goes in there and get answers out of him. He has asked for Charles, John and Sadie to be close by, perhaps looking like nothing is wrong by being by the scout or main campfire. The idea was a good one, perhaps better than Dutch's plans had been lately.
Arthur had waited and waited until Cleet and Joe finally turned in for the night. Micah however, never slept so Arthur knew this was going to be perfect. He nodded to the three of them before getting up from the main fire and heading over to the table.

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