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"Spencer Reid," Cat says with a smirk as she sits down next to him. There are only a few minutes until lunch is over, so she has to make it quick.

Spencer half-smiles. He hasn't really talked to Cat since he rejected her.

"Do you have any plans for this weekend?"

"No, why?" Spencer asks.

"I don't know.. I'm just wondering. You could come over on Saturday if you'd like," she says with a smile. This is Lindsey's cue. She sneaks up behind him, and while Spencer is distracted, she slips the drugs into his backpack.

"Thanks for inviting me," Spencer says.

"Anytime!" Cat chimes. She grabs an apple slice off Spencer's tray and walks off with Lindsey.

"What was that all about?" Emily asks.

"I guess Cat forgave me," Spencer shrugs.

Cat and Lindsey exchange excited glances as they hurry over to the doorway of the cafeteria. Because of the fire, there's a police officer stationed in the cafeteria at lunch now. He's really just there to scare the kids who started the fire into talking.

Cat taps him on the shoulder and he turns around. "Mr?" Cat asks, all innocent-like.

"What is it?" he asks a little impatiently. Cat points over to Spencer and Emily.

"That kid with the brown hair? He tried to sell me drugs," she says, making a pouty face. Lindsey vigorously nods, and the officer sighs.

"Thanks. I'll take care of it." He walks over to Spencer and Emily's table, and they look at him with confusion.

"Is there a problem?" Emily asks. The officer looks at Spencer.

"I'm gonna need you to hand me your backpack."

"What?" Spencer asks defensively. "Why?"

Emily sits there in shock. She doesn't really know what to do.

The officer snatches Spencer's backpack off of the floor and unzips it. The drugs sit on top of his pile of books.

"You're coming with me," the officer says. He grabs Spencer forcefully by the wrist and practically drags him out of the cafeteria, all while Spencer stares helplessly at Emily. Cat and Lindsey watch maliciously from the corner of the room, trying (and failing) not to laugh.


JJ and Penelope are walking around the field. Penelope is trying her hardest not to have a breakdown. "Am I hearing this right? You started the fire?"

"Not on purpose," Penelope sobs. "What they said was right. I thought we could lighten up the shed with a black cherry candle but- I guess I forgot to put it out."

"Oh, Penelope," JJ sighs. She wraps her friend in a hug while Penelope tries to catch her breath. JJ can see what's left of the shed through the smoke-blackened trees. It's just floor-boards now. It's marked off with crime-scene tape, but one end of the strand is blowing in the wind.

"Do you ever," Penelope starts, taking a deep breath. She lets go of JJ and wipes tears from her cheeks. "Do you ever get the feeling something won't end well?"


Aaron and Derek don't get to talk by themselves very often, but this would be one of those times. They're sitting on the bleachers and ranting about just about everything.

"Aaron, can I tell you something? Promise not to tell the others," Derek says.

"Yeah, of course. What is it?" Aaron says. Derek takes a deep breath. Something has been really bothering him.

"I just didn't know how to say it until now, but, I'm moving in a few weeks."

A/N: multiple? Cliffhangers? Yeah. Surprise update you're welcome x

Word Count: 596

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